

Type Total Points
Rewind/OG Matches 9,195.0
RipplePunks 7,048.0
RipplePunks Rewind 2,329.0
RipplePunks Quartet (Single Cards) 340.0
RipplePunks Quartets (4 of a kind) 0.0
Holding Since Days Holding Factor Formula Points Royalties Cut % Royalties Cut XRP
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #1419 2023-07-13 12:14:30 278 x5 5 + (278x5) 1,395.0 ~7.376% ~XRP 0.02287
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #7281 2023-07-13 12:15:42 278 x5 5 + (278x5) 1,395.0 ~7.376% ~XRP 0.02287
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #1723 2023-08-13 23:50:41 278 x5 5 + (278x5) 1,395.0 ~7.376% ~XRP 0.02287
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #7701 2023-08-14 17:08:50 277 x5 5 + (277x5) 1,390.0 ~7.350% ~XRP 0.02278
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #3101 2023-07-13 12:14:30 271 x5 5 + (271x5) 1,360.0 ~7.191% ~XRP 0.02229
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #8012 2023-09-24 10:10:43 237 x5 5 + (237x5) 1,190.0 ~6.292% ~XRP 0.01951
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #4481 2023-10-18 16:15:01 213 x5 5 + (213x5) 1,070.0 ~5.658% ~XRP 0.01754
RipplePunk #3016 2023-02-02 16:06:10 471 x1 1 + (471x1) 472.0 ~2.496% ~XRP 0.00774
RipplePunk #8012 2023-02-02 16:07:20 471 x1 1 + (471x1) 472.0 ~2.496% ~XRP 0.00774
RipplePunk #7125 2023-02-02 16:08:00 471 x1 1 + (471x1) 472.0 ~2.496% ~XRP 0.00774
RipplePunk #9601 2023-02-02 16:08:42 471 x1 1 + (471x1) 472.0 ~2.496% ~XRP 0.00774
RipplePunk #4671 2023-02-02 16:09:41 471 x1 1 + (471x1) 472.0 ~2.496% ~XRP 0.00774
RipplePunk #7823 2023-02-02 16:10:11 471 x1 1 + (471x1) 472.0 ~2.496% ~XRP 0.00774
RipplePunk #3762 2023-02-02 16:11:00 471 x1 1 + (471x1) 472.0 ~2.496% ~XRP 0.00774
RipplePunk #1723 2023-03-01 03:22:20 444 x1 1 + (444x1) 445.0 ~2.353% ~XRP 0.00729
RipplePunk #4481 2023-04-27 19:07:51 386 x1 1 + (386x1) 387.0 ~2.046% ~XRP 0.00634
RipplePunk Quartet #128 2023-06-14 15:24:12 339 x1 1 + (339x1) 340.0 ~1.798% ~XRP 0.00557
RipplePunk #9283 2023-06-14 23:58:30 338 x1 1 + (338x1) 339.0 ~1.793% ~XRP 0.00556
RipplePunk #4125 2023-06-15 04:48:42 338 x1 1 + (338x1) 339.0 ~1.793% ~XRP 0.00556
RipplePunk #2626 2023-08-09 04:14:00 283 x1 1 + (283x1) 284.0 ~1.502% ~XRP 0.00466
RipplePunk #7701 2023-08-09 04:16:40 283 x1 1 + (283x1) 284.0 ~1.502% ~XRP 0.00466
RipplePunk #2353 2023-08-09 04:16:52 283 x1 1 + (283x1) 284.0 ~1.502% ~XRP 0.00466
RipplePunk #7281 2023-08-14 09:56:10 278 x1 1 + (278x1) 279.0 ~1.475% ~XRP 0.00457
RipplePunk #1419 2023-08-14 16:32:50 278 x1 1 + (278x1) 279.0 ~1.475% ~XRP 0.00457
RipplePunk #9625 2023-08-17 01:01:12 275 x1 1 + (275x1) 276.0 ~1.459% ~XRP 0.00452
RipplePunk #4920 2023-08-17 01:29:41 275 x1 1 + (275x1) 276.0 ~1.459% ~XRP 0.00452
RipplePunk #3101 2023-08-21 16:06:22 271 x1 1 + (271x1) 272.0 ~1.438% ~XRP 0.00446
RipplePunk Rewind #9607 2023-07-13 12:16:00 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #9696 2023-07-13 12:16:00 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #9019 2023-07-13 12:16:00 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #7281 2023-07-13 12:15:42 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #1747 2023-07-13 12:14:30 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #2983 2023-07-13 12:14:30 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #3045 2023-07-13 12:14:30 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #3101 2023-07-13 12:14:30 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #1419 2023-07-13 12:14:30 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #770 2023-07-13 12:13:51 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #1072 2023-07-13 12:13:51 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.822% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #1723 2023-08-13 23:50:41 278 x0.5 0.5 + (278x0.5) 139.5 ~0.738% ~XRP 0.00229
RipplePunk Rewind #7701 2023-08-14 17:08:50 277 x0.5 0.5 + (277x0.5) 139.0 ~0.735% ~XRP 0.00228
RipplePunk Rewind #8012 2023-09-24 10:10:43 237 x0.5 0.5 + (237x0.5) 119.0 ~0.629% ~XRP 0.00195
RipplePunk Rewind #8948 2023-10-04 11:00:51 227 x0.5 0.5 + (227x0.5) 114.0 ~0.603% ~XRP 0.00187
RipplePunk Rewind #4481 2023-10-18 16:15:01 213 x0.5 0.5 + (213x0.5) 107.0 ~0.566% ~XRP 0.00175
18,912.0 100% ~XRP 0.31000

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