

Type Total Points
RipplePunks 7,148.0
RipplePunks Rewind 2,488.0
Rewind/OG Matches 1,275.0
RipplePunks Quartet (Single Cards) 794.0
RipplePunks Quartets (4 of a kind) 0.0
Holding Since Days Holding Factor Formula Points Royalties Cut % Royalties Cut XRP
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #5506 2023-07-13 02:53:30 254 x5 5 + (254x5) 1,275.0 ~10.893% ~XRP 0.02070
RipplePunk #5967 2023-02-14 04:08:30 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #8942 2023-02-14 04:10:01 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #2888 2023-02-14 04:10:51 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #4848 2023-02-14 04:13:10 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #5441 2023-02-14 04:14:50 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #4896 2023-02-14 04:17:00 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #488 2023-02-14 04:18:42 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #2194 2023-02-14 04:20:10 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #3279 2023-02-14 04:21:31 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #6610 2023-02-14 04:25:01 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #5315 2023-02-14 15:11:51 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #3553 2023-02-14 15:14:00 459 x1 1 + (459x1) 460.0 ~3.930% ~XRP 0.00747
RipplePunk #548 2023-02-15 02:36:00 458 x1 1 + (458x1) 459.0 ~3.921% ~XRP 0.00745
RipplePunk #6545 2023-02-15 15:03:30 458 x1 1 + (458x1) 459.0 ~3.921% ~XRP 0.00745
RipplePunk #5894 2023-02-18 23:29:30 454 x1 1 + (454x1) 455.0 ~3.887% ~XRP 0.00739
RipplePunk Quartet #75 2023-04-18 00:46:00 396 x1 1 + (396x1) 397.0 ~3.392% ~XRP 0.00644
RipplePunk Quartet #493 2023-04-18 00:45:40 396 x1 1 + (396x1) 397.0 ~3.392% ~XRP 0.00644
RipplePunk #5506 2023-09-07 09:46:11 254 x1 1 + (254x1) 255.0 ~2.179% ~XRP 0.00414
RipplePunk Rewind #6180 2023-07-13 04:01:10 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #5506 2023-07-13 02:53:30 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #1407 2023-07-13 01:29:40 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #8100 2023-07-13 01:28:51 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #5338 2023-07-13 01:28:11 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #8833 2023-07-13 01:27:50 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #8596 2023-07-13 01:27:01 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #6694 2023-07-13 01:26:41 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #8752 2023-07-13 01:26:00 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #4951 2023-07-13 01:25:32 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #7576 2023-07-13 01:24:42 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #6795 2023-07-13 01:23:21 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #6701 2023-07-13 01:23:01 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #9038 2023-07-13 01:21:50 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #4705 2023-07-13 01:18:50 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #3587 2023-07-13 01:13:50 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~1.329% ~XRP 0.00252
11,705.0 100% ~XRP 0.19000

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