

Type Total Points
Rewind/OG Matches 22,465.0
RipplePunks 12,696.0
RipplePunks Rewind 5,619.5
RipplePunks Quartet (Single Cards) 1,197.0
RipplePunks Quartets (4 of a kind) 0.0
Holding Since Days Holding Factor Formula Points Royalties Cut % Royalties Cut XRP
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #9280 2023-07-13 04:01:10 310 x5 5 + (310x5) 1,555.0 ~3.704% ~XRP 0.02519
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #3684 2023-07-26 12:54:32 297 x5 5 + (297x5) 1,490.0 ~3.550% ~XRP 0.02414
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #5086 2023-10-05 16:43:21 225 x5 5 + (225x5) 1,130.0 ~2.692% ~XRP 0.01831
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #7889 2023-10-05 17:17:11 225 x5 5 + (225x5) 1,130.0 ~2.692% ~XRP 0.01831
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #7313 2023-10-06 13:10:31 225 x5 5 + (225x5) 1,130.0 ~2.692% ~XRP 0.01831
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #3239 2023-10-06 13:11:30 225 x5 5 + (225x5) 1,130.0 ~2.692% ~XRP 0.01831
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #2336 2023-10-06 13:29:32 225 x5 5 + (225x5) 1,130.0 ~2.692% ~XRP 0.01831
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #9958 2023-10-09 10:09:51 222 x5 5 + (222x5) 1,115.0 ~2.656% ~XRP 0.01806
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #8781 2023-07-12 20:07:10 221 x5 5 + (221x5) 1,110.0 ~2.644% ~XRP 0.01798
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #5777 2023-10-31 13:50:20 200 x5 5 + (200x5) 1,005.0 ~2.394% ~XRP 0.01628
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #3010 2023-10-31 13:50:31 200 x5 5 + (200x5) 1,005.0 ~2.394% ~XRP 0.01628
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #3980 2023-10-31 13:50:51 200 x5 5 + (200x5) 1,005.0 ~2.394% ~XRP 0.01628
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #8641 2023-10-31 13:51:20 200 x5 5 + (200x5) 1,005.0 ~2.394% ~XRP 0.01628
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #8325 2023-10-31 16:53:10 199 x5 5 + (199x5) 1,000.0 ~2.382% ~XRP 0.01620
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #2191 2023-11-01 20:25:31 198 x5 5 + (198x5) 995.0 ~2.370% ~XRP 0.01612
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #2950 2023-11-02 08:12:20 198 x5 5 + (198x5) 995.0 ~2.370% ~XRP 0.01612
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #4491 2023-11-07 09:19:21 193 x5 5 + (193x5) 970.0 ~2.311% ~XRP 0.01571
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #4065 2023-11-08 20:28:41 191 x5 5 + (191x5) 960.0 ~2.287% ~XRP 0.01555
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #107 2023-07-12 20:11:30 184 x5 5 + (184x5) 925.0 ~2.204% ~XRP 0.01498
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #352 2023-11-16 14:06:00 184 x5 5 + (184x5) 925.0 ~2.204% ~XRP 0.01498
🔥 OG/Rewind Match → #1834 2023-12-20 12:54:10 150 x5 5 + (150x5) 755.0 ~1.799% ~XRP 0.01223
RipplePunk #3684 2023-02-14 23:32:30 458 x1 1 + (458x1) 459.0 ~1.094% ~XRP 0.00744
RipplePunk #7889 2023-02-15 01:54:21 458 x1 1 + (458x1) 459.0 ~1.094% ~XRP 0.00744
RipplePunk #7015 2023-02-15 14:29:01 458 x1 1 + (458x1) 459.0 ~1.094% ~XRP 0.00744
RipplePunk #2950 2023-02-16 13:48:21 457 x1 1 + (457x1) 458.0 ~1.091% ~XRP 0.00742
RipplePunk #8686 2023-02-16 14:48:02 457 x1 1 + (457x1) 458.0 ~1.091% ~XRP 0.00742
RipplePunk #2191 2023-02-16 17:21:31 456 x1 1 + (456x1) 457.0 ~1.089% ~XRP 0.00740
RipplePunk #7313 2023-02-16 17:24:12 456 x1 1 + (456x1) 457.0 ~1.089% ~XRP 0.00740
RipplePunk #3239 2023-02-16 17:25:32 456 x1 1 + (456x1) 457.0 ~1.089% ~XRP 0.00740
RipplePunk #8641 2023-02-16 17:45:11 456 x1 1 + (456x1) 457.0 ~1.089% ~XRP 0.00740
RipplePunk #8230 2023-02-18 13:03:12 455 x1 1 + (455x1) 456.0 ~1.086% ~XRP 0.00739
RipplePunk #352 2023-02-19 11:52:52 454 x1 1 + (454x1) 455.0 ~1.084% ~XRP 0.00737
RipplePunk #5172 2023-02-19 12:42:32 454 x1 1 + (454x1) 455.0 ~1.084% ~XRP 0.00737
RipplePunk #9280 2023-02-22 11:31:01 451 x1 1 + (451x1) 452.0 ~1.077% ~XRP 0.00732
RipplePunk #1119 2023-02-22 17:20:40 450 x1 1 + (450x1) 451.0 ~1.074% ~XRP 0.00731
RipplePunk #3059 2023-02-22 20:09:31 450 x1 1 + (450x1) 451.0 ~1.074% ~XRP 0.00731
RipplePunk #2336 2023-02-23 16:43:12 450 x1 1 + (450x1) 451.0 ~1.074% ~XRP 0.00731
RipplePunk #1849 2023-02-24 11:16:01 449 x1 1 + (449x1) 450.0 ~1.072% ~XRP 0.00729
RipplePunk #8972 2023-02-24 13:17:41 449 x1 1 + (449x1) 450.0 ~1.072% ~XRP 0.00729
RipplePunk #3010 2023-02-24 21:53:02 448 x1 1 + (448x1) 449.0 ~1.070% ~XRP 0.00727
RipplePunk #3980 2023-02-28 20:37:22 444 x1 1 + (444x1) 445.0 ~1.060% ~XRP 0.00721
RipplePunk #6228 2023-03-02 12:04:30 443 x1 1 + (443x1) 444.0 ~1.058% ~XRP 0.00719
RipplePunk #9958 2023-03-03 01:23:00 442 x1 1 + (442x1) 443.0 ~1.055% ~XRP 0.00718
RipplePunk #4967 2023-03-13 12:26:11 432 x1 1 + (432x1) 433.0 ~1.032% ~XRP 0.00701
RipplePunk #5086 2023-03-13 17:33:31 431 x1 1 + (431x1) 432.0 ~1.029% ~XRP 0.00700
RipplePunk #8325 2023-03-15 17:22:52 429 x1 1 + (429x1) 430.0 ~1.024% ~XRP 0.00697
RipplePunk Quartet #130 2023-04-16 10:09:51 398 x1 1 + (398x1) 399.0 ~0.951% ~XRP 0.00646
RipplePunk Quartet #318 2023-04-16 10:09:51 398 x1 1 + (398x1) 399.0 ~0.951% ~XRP 0.00646
RipplePunk Quartet #207 2023-04-16 08:57:11 398 x1 1 + (398x1) 399.0 ~0.951% ~XRP 0.00646
RipplePunk #1834 2023-05-12 21:57:21 371 x1 1 + (371x1) 372.0 ~0.886% ~XRP 0.00603
RipplePunk #5777 2023-08-29 18:56:21 262 x1 1 + (262x1) 263.0 ~0.627% ~XRP 0.00426
RipplePunk #8781 2023-10-10 15:08:41 221 x1 1 + (221x1) 222.0 ~0.529% ~XRP 0.00360
RipplePunk #4491 2023-11-07 09:17:10 193 x1 1 + (193x1) 194.0 ~0.462% ~XRP 0.00314
RipplePunk #4065 2023-11-08 20:26:52 191 x1 1 + (191x1) 192.0 ~0.457% ~XRP 0.00311
RipplePunk #107 2023-11-16 13:53:20 184 x1 1 + (184x1) 185.0 ~0.441% ~XRP 0.00300
RipplePunk Rewind #9280 2023-07-13 04:01:10 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #7712 2023-07-12 20:07:20 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #4726 2023-07-12 20:09:11 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #2428 2023-07-12 20:11:11 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #3118 2023-07-12 20:10:21 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #6022 2023-07-12 20:08:12 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #7131 2023-07-12 20:07:51 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #6892 2023-07-12 20:08:02 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #3664 2023-07-12 20:10:10 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #5218 2023-07-12 20:09:01 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #9304 2023-07-12 20:06:42 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #4578 2023-07-12 20:09:32 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #3928 2023-07-12 20:10:00 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #7125 2023-07-12 20:06:31 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #7380 2023-07-12 20:07:31 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #4629 2023-07-12 20:09:21 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #2852 2023-07-12 20:10:31 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #5424 2023-07-12 20:08:50 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #4010 2023-07-12 20:09:50 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #5855 2023-07-12 20:08:40 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #8781 2023-07-12 20:07:10 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #2656 2023-07-12 20:10:42 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #2648 2023-07-12 20:11:00 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #107 2023-07-12 20:11:30 310 x0.5 0.5 + (310x0.5) 155.5 ~0.370% ~XRP 0.00252
RipplePunk Rewind #3684 2023-07-26 12:54:32 297 x0.5 0.5 + (297x0.5) 149.0 ~0.355% ~XRP 0.00241
RipplePunk Rewind #3239 2023-10-06 13:11:30 225 x0.5 0.5 + (225x0.5) 113.0 ~0.269% ~XRP 0.00183
RipplePunk Rewind #2336 2023-10-06 13:29:32 225 x0.5 0.5 + (225x0.5) 113.0 ~0.269% ~XRP 0.00183
RipplePunk Rewind #7313 2023-10-06 13:10:31 225 x0.5 0.5 + (225x0.5) 113.0 ~0.269% ~XRP 0.00183
RipplePunk Rewind #5086 2023-10-05 16:43:21 225 x0.5 0.5 + (225x0.5) 113.0 ~0.269% ~XRP 0.00183
RipplePunk Rewind #7889 2023-10-05 17:17:11 225 x0.5 0.5 + (225x0.5) 113.0 ~0.269% ~XRP 0.00183
RipplePunk Rewind #9958 2023-10-09 10:09:51 222 x0.5 0.5 + (222x0.5) 111.5 ~0.266% ~XRP 0.00181
RipplePunk Rewind #3010 2023-10-31 13:50:31 200 x0.5 0.5 + (200x0.5) 100.5 ~0.239% ~XRP 0.00163
RipplePunk Rewind #5777 2023-10-31 13:50:20 200 x0.5 0.5 + (200x0.5) 100.5 ~0.239% ~XRP 0.00163
RipplePunk Rewind #3980 2023-10-31 13:50:51 200 x0.5 0.5 + (200x0.5) 100.5 ~0.239% ~XRP 0.00163
RipplePunk Rewind #8641 2023-10-31 13:51:20 200 x0.5 0.5 + (200x0.5) 100.5 ~0.239% ~XRP 0.00163
RipplePunk Rewind #8325 2023-10-31 16:53:10 199 x0.5 0.5 + (199x0.5) 100.0 ~0.238% ~XRP 0.00162
RipplePunk Rewind #2191 2023-11-01 20:25:31 198 x0.5 0.5 + (198x0.5) 99.5 ~0.237% ~XRP 0.00161
RipplePunk Rewind #2950 2023-11-02 08:12:20 198 x0.5 0.5 + (198x0.5) 99.5 ~0.237% ~XRP 0.00161
RipplePunk Rewind #4491 2023-11-07 09:19:21 193 x0.5 0.5 + (193x0.5) 97.0 ~0.231% ~XRP 0.00157
RipplePunk Rewind #4065 2023-11-08 20:28:41 191 x0.5 0.5 + (191x0.5) 96.0 ~0.229% ~XRP 0.00156
RipplePunk Rewind #352 2023-11-16 14:06:00 184 x0.5 0.5 + (184x0.5) 92.5 ~0.220% ~XRP 0.00150
RipplePunk Rewind #1834 2023-12-20 12:54:10 150 x0.5 0.5 + (150x0.5) 75.5 ~0.180% ~XRP 0.00122
41,977.5 100% ~XRP 0.68000

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