

Type Total Points
RipplePunks Rewind 3,320.5
RipplePunks 303.0
RipplePunks Quartet (Single Cards) 0.0
RipplePunks Quartets (4 of a kind) 0.0
Rewind/OG Matches 0.0
Holding Since Days Holding Factor Formula Points Royalties Cut % Royalties Cut XRP
RipplePunk #1684 2023-07-21 06:02:12 302 x1 1 + (302x1) 303.0 ~8.363% ~XRP 0.00502
RipplePunk Rewind #2703 2023-07-12 17:53:30 311 x0.5 0.5 + (311x0.5) 156.0 ~4.306% ~XRP 0.00258
RipplePunk Rewind #5455 2023-07-12 17:54:20 311 x0.5 0.5 + (311x0.5) 156.0 ~4.306% ~XRP 0.00258
RipplePunk Rewind #9630 2023-07-12 17:57:31 311 x0.5 0.5 + (311x0.5) 156.0 ~4.306% ~XRP 0.00258
RipplePunk Rewind #7095 2023-07-12 17:55:11 311 x0.5 0.5 + (311x0.5) 156.0 ~4.306% ~XRP 0.00258
RipplePunk Rewind #4215 2023-07-14 19:16:30 308 x0.5 0.5 + (308x0.5) 154.5 ~4.264% ~XRP 0.00256
RipplePunk Rewind #9377 2023-07-14 19:09:32 308 x0.5 0.5 + (308x0.5) 154.5 ~4.264% ~XRP 0.00256
RipplePunk Rewind #1257 2023-07-14 19:08:11 308 x0.5 0.5 + (308x0.5) 154.5 ~4.264% ~XRP 0.00256
RipplePunk Rewind #262 2023-07-15 20:09:11 307 x0.5 0.5 + (307x0.5) 154.0 ~4.251% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #2743 2023-07-15 20:08:12 307 x0.5 0.5 + (307x0.5) 154.0 ~4.251% ~XRP 0.00255
RipplePunk Rewind #4778 2023-07-17 12:13:00 306 x0.5 0.5 + (306x0.5) 153.5 ~4.237% ~XRP 0.00254
RipplePunk Rewind #2288 2023-07-17 08:48:10 306 x0.5 0.5 + (306x0.5) 153.5 ~4.237% ~XRP 0.00254
RipplePunk Rewind #6071 2023-07-17 08:47:50 306 x0.5 0.5 + (306x0.5) 153.5 ~4.237% ~XRP 0.00254
RipplePunk Rewind #6829 2023-09-21 07:51:31 240 x0.5 0.5 + (240x0.5) 120.5 ~3.326% ~XRP 0.00200
RipplePunk Rewind #50 2023-09-21 07:38:30 240 x0.5 0.5 + (240x0.5) 120.5 ~3.326% ~XRP 0.00200
RipplePunk Rewind #6625 2023-09-21 07:54:40 240 x0.5 0.5 + (240x0.5) 120.5 ~3.326% ~XRP 0.00200
RipplePunk Rewind #648 2023-09-23 17:57:00 238 x0.5 0.5 + (238x0.5) 119.5 ~3.298% ~XRP 0.00198
RipplePunk Rewind #973 2023-09-23 17:56:20 238 x0.5 0.5 + (238x0.5) 119.5 ~3.298% ~XRP 0.00198
RipplePunk Rewind #9797 2023-09-23 04:31:30 238 x0.5 0.5 + (238x0.5) 119.5 ~3.298% ~XRP 0.00198
RipplePunk Rewind #1446 2023-09-24 06:32:00 237 x0.5 0.5 + (237x0.5) 119.0 ~3.285% ~XRP 0.00197
RipplePunk Rewind #474 2023-09-24 06:29:50 237 x0.5 0.5 + (237x0.5) 119.0 ~3.285% ~XRP 0.00197
RipplePunk Rewind #6319 2023-10-04 04:48:40 227 x0.5 0.5 + (227x0.5) 114.0 ~3.147% ~XRP 0.00189
RipplePunk Rewind #4355 2023-10-03 19:57:41 227 x0.5 0.5 + (227x0.5) 114.0 ~3.147% ~XRP 0.00189
RipplePunk Rewind #236 2023-10-03 19:57:00 227 x0.5 0.5 + (227x0.5) 114.0 ~3.147% ~XRP 0.00189
RipplePunk Rewind #2422 2023-10-09 10:56:00 222 x0.5 0.5 + (222x0.5) 111.5 ~3.078% ~XRP 0.00185
RipplePunk Rewind #3271 2024-02-03 05:45:51 105 x0.5 0.5 + (105x0.5) 53.0 ~1.463% ~XRP 0.00088
3,623.5 100% ~XRP 0.06001

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