

Type Total Points
RipplePunks 4,877.0
RipplePunks Rewind 2,445.0
RipplePunks Quartet (Single Cards) 0.0
RipplePunks Quartets (4 of a kind) 0.0
Rewind/OG Matches 0.0
Holding Since Days Holding Factor Formula Points Royalties Cut % Royalties Cut XRP
RipplePunk #3706 2023-07-21 23:50:52 488 x1 1 + (488x1) 489.0 ~6.679% ~XRP 0.00935
RipplePunk #9334 2023-07-21 23:57:00 488 x1 1 + (488x1) 489.0 ~6.679% ~XRP 0.00935
RipplePunk #5046 2023-07-22 14:10:52 487 x1 1 + (487x1) 488.0 ~6.665% ~XRP 0.00933
RipplePunk #7081 2023-07-22 14:11:11 487 x1 1 + (487x1) 488.0 ~6.665% ~XRP 0.00933
RipplePunk #7392 2023-07-22 14:15:31 487 x1 1 + (487x1) 488.0 ~6.665% ~XRP 0.00933
RipplePunk #1500 2023-07-23 20:29:11 486 x1 1 + (486x1) 487.0 ~6.651% ~XRP 0.00931
RipplePunk #7552 2023-07-23 20:30:41 486 x1 1 + (486x1) 487.0 ~6.651% ~XRP 0.00931
RipplePunk #8022 2023-07-23 20:31:52 486 x1 1 + (486x1) 487.0 ~6.651% ~XRP 0.00931
RipplePunk #4095 2023-07-23 20:33:10 486 x1 1 + (486x1) 487.0 ~6.651% ~XRP 0.00931
RipplePunk #7343 2023-07-23 20:35:20 486 x1 1 + (486x1) 487.0 ~6.651% ~XRP 0.00931
RipplePunk Rewind #2961 2023-07-22 14:19:50 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
RipplePunk Rewind #8024 2023-07-22 09:35:32 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
RipplePunk Rewind #9685 2023-07-22 08:42:22 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
RipplePunk Rewind #6527 2023-07-22 08:41:51 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
RipplePunk Rewind #3918 2023-07-22 08:41:20 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
RipplePunk Rewind #9162 2023-07-22 08:40:51 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
RipplePunk Rewind #3638 2023-07-22 08:40:30 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
RipplePunk Rewind #9791 2023-07-22 08:39:52 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
RipplePunk Rewind #8259 2023-07-22 08:39:31 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
RipplePunk Rewind #8308 2023-07-22 08:35:11 488 x0.5 0.5 + (488x0.5) 244.5 ~3.339% ~XRP 0.00468
7,322.0 100% ~XRP 0.14000

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