

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
4 RipplePunk #7860 XRP 203.18 2024-07-14 15:31 3F420F5693... 2 r3kf2ehLWZeFzbv2HDe5465EsGtmjinP2C 88 rM6HpUWfkJpUWhMsrHit2FUdB52KqXfxuB 1
4 RipplePunk #7860 XRP 167.62 2023-09-22 05:46 7CD5766F27... 5 rDMRsQ1B87e4zhP9xfbmf7RbecQmsTZEho 2 r3kf2ehLWZeFzbv2HDe5465EsGtmjinP2C 1

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