

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
2 RipplePunk #374 XRP 95.49 2023-03-27 04:21 93CE2AACA0... 2 r9CvDRtD4qFw2mVhdt6JH6hot3kp8C6H4D 18 rPxrBQZEYhMyLYhVaL4ZSzGGerA16CSc8X 1
2 RipplePunk #374 XRP 90.00 2023-03-19 02:03 BD3CCD36C3... 33 rQNuZjajuFE2WfaH89ucmv4bQF51rmVni5 2 r9CvDRtD4qFw2mVhdt6JH6hot3kp8C6H4D 1

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