

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
3 RipplePunk #9582 XRP 21.00 2023-12-21 03:04 F9BED5CCC2... 4 r9av1HoQ7afnwx8J37KeBFR926yRPy4P4y 262 rKTqXbv2sKjndqNZsygrP3DwKjZXFfEUgg 1
2 RipplePunk #6344 XRP 66.00 2023-12-21 03:03 8FC045AA79... 4 r9av1HoQ7afnwx8J37KeBFR926yRPy4P4y 682 rs4v9e99y597DSG7kFtEDHow84rtfTr72o 1
2 RipplePunk #6344 XRP 203.18 2023-03-08 07:42 F678713099... 2 rKhjXCxUkioNeW8qTjGzaXrkSqYdMbATvN 4 r9av1HoQ7afnwx8J37KeBFR926yRPy4P4y 1
3 RipplePunk #9582 XRP 213.34 2023-03-06 06:30 737E1C69BE... 13 r3wj9VvymjfmfxUx95DqmPTb7aG9CKuxeb 4 r9av1HoQ7afnwx8J37KeBFR926yRPy4P4y 1

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