

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
3 RipplePunk #3478 XRP 60.95 2023-05-02 05:27 AF14F1CF75... 4 r9nevPfwL8ngKPySrB8VbxeC5Z3LSbnk3 345 r3LAichpcBeZWk7LLSZcfSQcqYsvQ6beBc 1
3 RipplePunk #3899 XRP 151.00 2023-03-05 12:24 8CFD5C1A74... 4 r9nevPfwL8ngKPySrB8VbxeC5Z3LSbnk3 34 rDwj4DYcPGrgqBzUyFjBsGuDDPsSDB3XBG 1
3 RipplePunk #3899 XRP 35.56 2023-02-13 06:16 EE89EA060B... 13 raidLtFKFTDbZPzyePg5i1mExcigGUU6Ai 4 r9nevPfwL8ngKPySrB8VbxeC5Z3LSbnk3 1
3 RipplePunk #3478 XRP 50.79 2023-02-13 04:30 56D6C8D88A... 18 rGHDhDRpaGq6VcAPP31fFMR5pJ39NiTPxz 4 r9nevPfwL8ngKPySrB8VbxeC5Z3LSbnk3 1

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