

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
2 RipplePunk #500 XRP 203.18 2023-03-02 06:38 EB10077862... 185 rDpLcKCi18ixgzJEseKbi2krRGTWZM69gX 2 rE6xU6vDeEgFtfqWZzQccH4NqBWZ1b1h6k 2
2 RipplePunk #8039 XRP 152.38 2023-03-01 13:41 5E2850D0C6... 185 rDpLcKCi18ixgzJEseKbi2krRGTWZM69gX 2 rE6xU6vDeEgFtfqWZzQccH4NqBWZ1b1h6k 2

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