

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
3 RipplePunk #3462 XRP 50.00 2024-09-04 19:18 BA2E534870... 4 rHwgdG8z7zCVdYBKMsWjw8eDiA3bhWxoe7 12 rPhkFZSqFtDMsLxRyJRwBG6ugDVpwiWj7h 1
2 RipplePunk #9771 XRP 71.11 2024-01-20 18:18 20FD6A40D1... 4 rHwgdG8z7zCVdYBKMsWjw8eDiA3bhWxoe7 14 rwzW6etYLhQ8pJxCHdswkaiptdqigmCH18 1
3 RipplePunk #3462 XRP 20.32 2023-11-20 12:06 ECDBED9898... 26 rLZssJDSHe6VmzPjQGVyV7snJ2LoHiG6d8 4 rHwgdG8z7zCVdYBKMsWjw8eDiA3bhWxoe7 1
2 RipplePunk #9771 XRP 10.00 2023-11-13 13:15 FE2774A415... 5 r3zr5q9NQzBtzBD4gduMRvZMJJbzcezb5Q 4 rHwgdG8z7zCVdYBKMsWjw8eDiA3bhWxoe7 1

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