

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
1 RipplePunk #8190 XRP 101.59 2023-03-31 18:41 CC4DA9DD8A... 6 rJuZn8MoW39W97FySH1VxarAX6D7ZnnUif 139 r4zLg6wZyXfn1hs92pYxiD4xWaPZADrgMr 1
1 RipplePunk #8899 XRP 507.95 2023-03-18 21:33 FBDF18A484... 6 rJuZn8MoW39W97FySH1VxarAX6D7ZnnUif 154 rpfVxoGWyCG9U8CoYadqaArdabwqirXsKA 1
1 RipplePunk #5899 XRP 157.46 2023-03-04 21:15 105817771C... 6 rJuZn8MoW39W97FySH1VxarAX6D7ZnnUif 165 r3pXVGvgffjyAkPrHELbsEx8t2A6LUnoFU 1
2 RipplePunk #3469 XRP 180.00 2023-03-03 17:07 89AD4295C0... 6 rJuZn8MoW39W97FySH1VxarAX6D7ZnnUif 28 rLUHZDHsdxixwguXSGAceaUUuo6gieHmeg 1
1 RipplePunk #7551 XRP 45.72 2023-02-13 04:23 36FAB9E998... 6 rJuZn8MoW39W97FySH1VxarAX6D7ZnnUif 10 rEZTjNZDqwf6bp6N8pcdAqWiqctNhUfznx 1
3 RipplePunk #3265 XRP 45.72 2023-02-13 03:43 2BBEEE97C2... 6 rJuZn8MoW39W97FySH1VxarAX6D7ZnnUif 2 rLF876icN37GRtE7KJVScLu77omQJbBULP 1

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