

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
4 RipplePunk #828 XRP 60.90 2024-08-28 19:29 231CD94B6A... 2 rMbNjSwd3VdJDELqEbLN6Lv2s7w1TJ2Nzm 2 rakidXA5x31PneE2iCzspL1aLuiHYcttug 1
4 RipplePunk #828 XRP 50.75 2024-08-11 00:04 1546FA7D33... 13 rUJGGu6cueSwukGhdxsEtXrfm3cjmQrBEs 2 rMbNjSwd3VdJDELqEbLN6Lv2s7w1TJ2Nzm 1

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