

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
2 RipplePunk #4750 XRP 40.65 2023-07-16 11:50 C6BD8FD9D4... 4 rPpfD8NPEKoo24biGgmgCkEMYj7ksGU361 2 rKFcB9owhgTFS4fnhXCL9a7mp8k5oiXpZ9 1
2 RipplePunk #4750 XRP 203.18 2023-02-16 21:49 B1174E4503... 115 rwxh82VYYv84W9hZG3cmpS5s37xpDAjfdF 4 rPpfD8NPEKoo24biGgmgCkEMYj7ksGU361 1
2 RipplePunk #225 XRP 279.37 2023-02-15 02:43 4D6AF57280... 4 rPpfD8NPEKoo24biGgmgCkEMYj7ksGU361 49 rP5iJTpyvjdTdisDfVUmZuTACWwSzEpfB6 1
2 RipplePunk #225 XRP 203.18 2023-02-13 20:26 0244F53DC4... 8 r4N3QfFRcedD6kyv9vbwBJ7iNE7qYMcTqn 4 rPpfD8NPEKoo24biGgmgCkEMYj7ksGU361 1

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