

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
2 RipplePunk #4085 XRP 43.68 2024-01-27 22:08 52CB0D39B4... 345 r3LAichpcBeZWk7LLSZcfSQcqYsvQ6beBc 2 rPuLiTAJNB562PQPJwACEpR1tHiZBiGx9g 1
1 RipplePunk #6722 XRP 59.94 2023-05-07 11:06 FA3FF52D87... 2620 rPGBweHVaTnfQj8bsBRdWoXbZbsNDeLnt 2 rPuLiTAJNB562PQPJwACEpR1tHiZBiGx9g 1

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