

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
1 RipplePunk #2702 XRP 20.32 2023-02-08 01:05 CAC43A8310... 9 rBZf6wEHptX2NNnPDEwQ9gsy6URiqQtcMD 2 rURJJfGPUB5f1SuExEKUpfj1H6vxctC57Y 1
1 RipplePunk #5983 XRP 12.19 2023-02-08 00:57 E2DF05AAB8... 99 rsQfigZ9RegbrMd5M5PAqhAfPDGy5XuG5k 2 rURJJfGPUB5f1SuExEKUpfj1H6vxctC57Y 1

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