Transactions for the RipplePunks collection
Name | Amount | Accepted At | TX Hash | Seller | Buyer | |
2 RipplePunk #5893 | XRP 100.49 | 2023-11-15 00:47 | FB97DE4ADC... | 4 rURgsmnVUGpyf3qdpVMJgfw56SkqhzFxXM | 1 r9qYa6FhYC3FPEWrJosaPLDUFDXMiwuzfR | 1 |
1 RipplePunk #3276 | XRP 21.33 | 2023-09-22 22:17 | AB73566E36... | 2620 rPGBweHVaTnfQj8bsBRdWoXbZbsNDeLnt | 4 rURgsmnVUGpyf3qdpVMJgfw56SkqhzFxXM | 3 |
2 RipplePunk #5893 | XRP 21.33 | 2023-09-21 06:56 | 3C80A2D807... | 2620 rPGBweHVaTnfQj8bsBRdWoXbZbsNDeLnt | 4 rURgsmnVUGpyf3qdpVMJgfw56SkqhzFxXM | 3 |
1 RipplePunk #8835 | XRP 20.32 | 2023-09-18 18:00 | D50717B629... | 2620 rPGBweHVaTnfQj8bsBRdWoXbZbsNDeLnt | 4 rURgsmnVUGpyf3qdpVMJgfw56SkqhzFxXM | 3 |
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