

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
1 RipplePunk #2004 XRP 58.94 2023-07-13 19:58 C6F99FB3E0... 149 rKLNzLCJgkEcghgTKwn3Z57NdE65LYhStY 3 rnhwpvPWE6GLMP43JTtq34JkvQ685pmicE 1
1 RipplePunk #6569 XRP 137.15 2023-03-18 15:17 8F64831E14... 262 rHTCvwNk68UQj3quZvFKMcyKVK6pzjGpv3 3 rnhwpvPWE6GLMP43JTtq34JkvQ685pmicE 1
1 RipplePunk #2637 XRP 81.27 2023-02-14 18:58 CAE7308CEC... 30 raCudLauZYEtHbv1BN6aECAngHpudMithH 3 rnhwpvPWE6GLMP43JTtq34JkvQ685pmicE 1

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