

Transactions for the RipplePunks collection

Name Amount Accepted At TX Hash Seller Buyer
1 RipplePunk #1741 XRP 202.16 2023-03-05 14:56 43026DDBE9... 60 raD8DRSGJeDjM38rQRY7d3N5kmkqXnQV3Z 3 rpqfoT4BLbRyQA612WsCwBcE2yKKRbKSFo 1
1 RipplePunk #3928 XRP 100.49 2023-02-14 13:04 0CE52C7A24... 50 rUhQAFbZmFY4GsreUCtNxyxLcayvQDncn1 3 rpqfoT4BLbRyQA612WsCwBcE2yKKRbKSFo 1
1 RipplePunk #8327 XRP 90.34 2023-02-13 15:53 ED7E2E2898... 85 rVskiZDst6oVypJF12J3vKpEMy7P4BR22 3 rpqfoT4BLbRyQA612WsCwBcE2yKKRbKSFo 1

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