The Royalties Table

Minimum 10 RipplePunks to Apply

Snapshot 2023-07-31 23:59 AST

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5% RipplePunks Royalties 1,270.91 XRP
5% RipplePunks Rewind Royalties 197.98 XRP
5% RipplePunks Quartet Royalties 3.94 XRP
Total Community Royalties 1,472.83 XRP
Owner RipplePunks Quartets Rewind Matches Total Points Cut % Cut XRP
1 rPGBweHVaTnf... 1,889 for 324,912 days - 396 for 7,193 days 364,746 24.6626 % 363.2384 XRP
1,889 RipplePunks
Total 324,912 days holding (average 172 days per RipplePunk)
1,889 + 324,912 = 326,801 points
396 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 7,193 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(396 + 7,193) * 5 = 37,945 points
326,801 + 37,945 364,746 points
2 rLocutusUi8H... 625 for 102,010 days 5 for 472 days 39 for 703 days 111,115 7.5131 % 110.6557 XRP
625 RipplePunks
Total 102,010 days holding (average 163 days per RipplePunk)
625 + 102,010 = 102,635 points
5 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 472 days holding (average 94 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(5 + 472) * 10 = 4,770 points
39 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 703 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(39 + 703) * 5 = 3,710 points
102,635 + 4,770 + 3,710 111,115 points
3 r3LAichpcBeZ... 335 for 53,033 days 1 for 87 days 4 for 76 days 54,648 3.6951 % 54.4221 XRP
335 RipplePunks
Total 53,033 days holding (average 158 days per RipplePunk)
335 + 53,033 = 53,368 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 87 days holding (average 87 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 87) * 10 = 880 points
4 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 76 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(4 + 76) * 5 = 400 points
53,368 + 880 + 400 54,648 points
4 raWYT6DD2XFA... 262 for 42,537 days 1 for 102 days 8 for 144 days 44,589 3.0149 % 44.4047 XRP
262 RipplePunks
Total 42,537 days holding (average 162 days per RipplePunk)
262 + 42,537 = 42,799 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 102 days holding (average 102 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 102) * 10 = 1,030 points
8 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 144 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(8 + 144) * 5 = 760 points
42,799 + 1,030 + 760 44,589 points
rpfVxoGWyCG9... 321 for 21,930 days 23 for 1,929 days 28 for 441 days 44,116 2.9829 % 43.9337 XRP
321 RipplePunks
Total 21,930 days holding (average 68 days per RipplePunk)
321 + 21,930 = 22,251 points
23 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 1,929 days holding (average 84 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(23 + 1,929) * 10 = 19,520 points
28 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 441 days holding (average 16 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(28 + 441) * 5 = 2,345 points
22,251 + 19,520 + 2,345 44,116 points
rFps2Xf8a2wJ... 239 for 41,084 days - 16 for 248 days 42,643 2.8833 % 42.4667 XRP
239 RipplePunks
Total 41,084 days holding (average 172 days per RipplePunk)
239 + 41,084 = 41,323 points
16 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 248 days holding (average 16 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(16 + 248) * 5 = 1,320 points
41,323 + 1,320 42,643 points
rNGSyfpFP8WF... 226 for 36,479 days - 3 for 57 days 37,005 2.5021 % 36.8520 XRP
226 RipplePunks
Total 36,479 days holding (average 161 days per RipplePunk)
226 + 36,479 = 36,705 points
3 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 57 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(3 + 57) * 5 = 300 points
36,705 + 300 37,005 points
rK83qfpxLqD8... 210 for 35,982 days - 5 for 90 days 36,667 2.4793 % 36.5154 XRP
210 RipplePunks
Total 35,982 days holding (average 171 days per RipplePunk)
210 + 35,982 = 36,192 points
5 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 90 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(5 + 90) * 5 = 475 points
36,192 + 475 36,667 points
rGvUuYaQH5Je... 198 for 34,068 days - 1 for 19 days 34,366 2.3237 % 34.2240 XRP
198 RipplePunks
Total 34,068 days holding (average 172 days per RipplePunk)
198 + 34,068 = 34,266 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 19 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 19) * 5 = 100 points
34,266 + 100 34,366 points
rfcBGSNFH6AJ... 202 for 31,433 days - 4 for 72 days 32,015 2.1647 % 31.8827 XRP
202 RipplePunks
Total 31,433 days holding (average 156 days per RipplePunk)
202 + 31,433 = 31,635 points
4 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 72 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(4 + 72) * 5 = 380 points
31,635 + 380 32,015 points
rwbaCNkedtHa... 224 for 24,080 days 3 for 232 days 15 for 79 days 27,124 1.8340 % 27.0119 XRP
224 RipplePunks
Total 24,080 days holding (average 108 days per RipplePunk)
224 + 24,080 = 24,304 points
3 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 232 days holding (average 77 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(3 + 232) * 10 = 2,350 points
15 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 79 days holding (average 5 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(15 + 79) * 5 = 470 points
24,304 + 2,350 + 470 27,124 points
rK8PmczKYHzi... 149 for 25,073 days - 4 for 76 days 25,622 1.7325 % 25.5161 XRP
149 RipplePunks
Total 25,073 days holding (average 168 days per RipplePunk)
149 + 25,073 = 25,222 points
4 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 76 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(4 + 76) * 5 = 400 points
25,222 + 400 25,622 points
rNoeYYR9xn7K... 420 for 22,765 days - 20 for 364 days 25,105 1.6975 % 25.0012 XRP
420 RipplePunks
Total 22,765 days holding (average 54 days per RipplePunk)
420 + 22,765 = 23,185 points
20 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 364 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(20 + 364) * 5 = 1,920 points
23,185 + 1,920 25,105 points
rEGdtVbJp2FE... 133 for 21,011 days 2 for 192 days 1 for 19 days 23,184 1.5676 % 23.0882 XRP
133 RipplePunks
Total 21,011 days holding (average 158 days per RipplePunk)
133 + 21,011 = 21,144 points
2 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 192 days holding (average 96 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(2 + 192) * 10 = 1,940 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 19 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 19) * 5 = 100 points
21,144 + 1,940 + 100 23,184 points
r3pXVGvgffjy... 141 for 22,894 days - - 23,035 1.5575 % 22.9398 XRP
141 RipplePunks
Total 22,894 days holding (average 162 days per RipplePunk)
141 + 22,894 = 23,035 points
23,035 points
rwoHZQXJvP9Y... 142 for 21,732 days - 2 for 38 days 22,074 1.4926 % 21.9828 XRP
142 RipplePunks
Total 21,732 days holding (average 153 days per RipplePunk)
142 + 21,732 = 21,874 points
2 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 38 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(2 + 38) * 5 = 200 points
21,874 + 200 22,074 points
raM9axfoMEvf... 113 for 19,278 days - 1 for 19 days 19,491 1.3179 % 19.4104 XRP
113 RipplePunks
Total 19,278 days holding (average 171 days per RipplePunk)
113 + 19,278 = 19,391 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 19 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 19) * 5 = 100 points
19,391 + 100 19,491 points
r4zLg6wZyXfn... 126 for 14,500 days 5 for 399 days 1 for 19 days 18,766 1.2689 % 18.6884 XRP
126 RipplePunks
Total 14,500 days holding (average 115 days per RipplePunk)
126 + 14,500 = 14,626 points
5 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 399 days holding (average 80 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(5 + 399) * 10 = 4,040 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 19 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 19) * 5 = 100 points
14,626 + 4,040 + 100 18,766 points
rB7GyjBZ9j1y... 104 for 16,467 days 1 for 99 days - 17,571 1.1881 % 17.4984 XRP
104 RipplePunks
Total 16,467 days holding (average 158 days per RipplePunk)
104 + 16,467 = 16,571 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 99 days holding (average 99 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 99) * 10 = 1,000 points
16,571 + 1,000 17,571 points
rP5iJTpyvjdT... 99 for 16,096 days - 3 for 57 days 16,495 1.1153 % 16.4268 XRP
99 RipplePunks
Total 16,096 days holding (average 163 days per RipplePunk)
99 + 16,096 = 16,195 points
3 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 57 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(3 + 57) * 5 = 300 points
16,195 + 300 16,495 points
rHTCvwNk68UQ... 100 for 16,256 days - - 16,356 1.1059 % 16.2884 XRP
100 RipplePunks
Total 16,256 days holding (average 163 days per RipplePunk)
100 + 16,256 = 16,356 points
16,356 points
rDQebRiVztDn... 92 for 15,640 days - 2 for 36 days 15,922 1.0766 % 15.8562 XRP
92 RipplePunks
Total 15,640 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
92 + 15,640 = 15,732 points
2 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 36 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(2 + 36) * 5 = 190 points
15,732 + 190 15,922 points
rKLNzLCJgkEc... 83 for 13,984 days - 1 for 19 days 14,167 0.9579 % 14.1084 XRP
83 RipplePunks
Total 13,984 days holding (average 168 days per RipplePunk)
83 + 13,984 = 14,067 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 19 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 19) * 5 = 100 points
14,067 + 100 14,167 points
24 rHRg56skfuQo... 67 for 11,355 days - - 11,422 0.7723 % 11.3748 XRP
67 RipplePunks
Total 11,355 days holding (average 169 days per RipplePunk)
67 + 11,355 = 11,422 points
11,422 points
25 rP5MLEghUajo... 70 for 10,614 days - 1 for 18 days 10,779 0.7288 % 10.7344 XRP
70 RipplePunks
Total 10,614 days holding (average 152 days per RipplePunk)
70 + 10,614 = 10,684 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 18 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 18) * 5 = 95 points
10,684 + 95 10,779 points
26 rp2M8tNduez6... 62 for 10,325 days - 1 for 18 days 10,482 0.7087 % 10.4387 XRP
62 RipplePunks
Total 10,325 days holding (average 167 days per RipplePunk)
62 + 10,325 = 10,387 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 18 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 18) * 5 = 95 points
10,387 + 95 10,482 points
27 rXzHPTK4oab5... 60 for 10,141 days - 1 for 19 days 10,301 0.6965 % 10.2584 XRP
60 RipplePunks
Total 10,141 days holding (average 169 days per RipplePunk)
60 + 10,141 = 10,201 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 19 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 19) * 5 = 100 points
10,201 + 100 10,301 points
28 rJdKnQn3C4Vt... 50 for 8,758 days 1 for 93 days 2 for 35 days 9,933 0.6716 % 9.8919 XRP
50 RipplePunks
Total 8,758 days holding (average 175 days per RipplePunk)
50 + 8,758 = 8,808 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 93 days holding (average 93 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 93) * 10 = 940 points
2 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 35 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(2 + 35) * 5 = 185 points
8,808 + 940 + 185 9,933 points
29 r4jDhMv1KdML... 56 for 9,458 days - - 9,514 0.6433 % 9.4747 XRP
56 RipplePunks
Total 9,458 days holding (average 169 days per RipplePunk)
56 + 9,458 = 9,514 points
9,514 points
30 rnMYZgTs6Vsq... 55 for 9,290 days - - 9,345 0.6319 % 9.3064 XRP
55 RipplePunks
Total 9,290 days holding (average 169 days per RipplePunk)
55 + 9,290 = 9,345 points
9,345 points
31 raXcH79zhz6i... 53 for 9,220 days - - 9,273 0.6270 % 9.2347 XRP
53 RipplePunks
Total 9,220 days holding (average 174 days per RipplePunk)
53 + 9,220 = 9,273 points
9,273 points
32 rMAWmdwqwxE5... 55 for 9,152 days - - 9,207 0.6225 % 9.1689 XRP
55 RipplePunks
Total 9,152 days holding (average 166 days per RipplePunk)
55 + 9,152 = 9,207 points
9,207 points
33 rnA7GhHW2SmL... 66 for 9,034 days - - 9,100 0.6153 % 9.0624 XRP
66 RipplePunks
Total 9,034 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk)
66 + 9,034 = 9,100 points
9,100 points
34 rkGQTQ4vw5t8... 50 for 8,920 days - - 8,970 0.6065 % 8.9329 XRP
50 RipplePunks
Total 8,920 days holding (average 178 days per RipplePunk)
50 + 8,920 = 8,970 points
8,970 points
r3ynGMh6FS9f... 101 for 8,839 days - - 8,940 0.6045 % 8.9030 XRP
101 RipplePunks
Total 8,839 days holding (average 88 days per RipplePunk)
101 + 8,839 = 8,940 points
8,940 points
36 rDpLcKCi18ix... 55 for 8,785 days - - 8,840 0.5977 % 8.8035 XRP
55 RipplePunks
Total 8,785 days holding (average 160 days per RipplePunk)
55 + 8,785 = 8,840 points
8,840 points
rMzRzvqVQ8wB... 48 for 8,356 days - 1 for 19 days 8,504 0.5750 % 8.4688 XRP
48 RipplePunks
Total 8,356 days holding (average 174 days per RipplePunk)
48 + 8,356 = 8,404 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 19 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 19) * 5 = 100 points
8,404 + 100 8,504 points
38 rQhvQ9sc1pbe... 46 for 7,776 days - - 7,822 0.5289 % 7.7897 XRP
46 RipplePunks
Total 7,776 days holding (average 169 days per RipplePunk)
46 + 7,776 = 7,822 points
7,822 points
rnLPawGRp7VP... 55 for 7,676 days - - 7,731 0.5227 % 7.6990 XRP
55 RipplePunks
Total 7,676 days holding (average 140 days per RipplePunk)
55 + 7,676 = 7,731 points
7,731 points
rBToEwgFcwrz... 45 for 7,646 days - - 7,691 0.5200 % 7.6592 XRP
45 RipplePunks
Total 7,646 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
45 + 7,646 = 7,691 points
7,691 points
rUW53Mhu7Q5T... 63 for 7,559 days - - 7,622 0.5154 % 7.5905 XRP
63 RipplePunks
Total 7,559 days holding (average 120 days per RipplePunk)
63 + 7,559 = 7,622 points
7,622 points
rnuXXecrYw5M... 37 for 5,103 days 3 for 243 days - 7,600 0.5139 % 7.5686 XRP
37 RipplePunks
Total 5,103 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk)
37 + 5,103 = 5,140 points
3 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 243 days holding (average 81 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(3 + 243) * 10 = 2,460 points
5,140 + 2,460 7,600 points
rfKLU8LbG5Uf... 43 for 7,398 days - 1 for 13 days 7,511 0.5079 % 7.4800 XRP
43 RipplePunks
Total 7,398 days holding (average 172 days per RipplePunk)
43 + 7,398 = 7,441 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 13 days holding (average 13 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 13) * 5 = 70 points
7,441 + 70 7,511 points
44 rJeAZTBDTZgM... 46 for 7,141 days - 5 for 49 days 7,457 0.5042 % 7.4262 XRP
46 RipplePunks
Total 7,141 days holding (average 155 days per RipplePunk)
46 + 7,141 = 7,187 points
5 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 49 days holding (average 10 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(5 + 49) * 5 = 270 points
7,187 + 270 7,457 points
rQnKaDya7ix9... 44 for 7,171 days - - 7,215 0.4878 % 7.1852 XRP
44 RipplePunks
Total 7,171 days holding (average 163 days per RipplePunk)
44 + 7,171 = 7,215 points
7,215 points
46 rs4v9e99y597... 48 for 6,981 days - - 7,029 0.4753 % 6.9999 XRP
48 RipplePunks
Total 6,981 days holding (average 145 days per RipplePunk)
48 + 6,981 = 7,029 points
7,029 points
rMeBtmzeJjto... 42 for 6,643 days - - 6,685 0.4520 % 6.6574 XRP
42 RipplePunks
Total 6,643 days holding (average 158 days per RipplePunk)
42 + 6,643 = 6,685 points
6,685 points
raMJdHT6FJmo... 37 for 6,378 days - - 6,415 0.4338 % 6.3885 XRP
37 RipplePunks
Total 6,378 days holding (average 172 days per RipplePunk)
37 + 6,378 = 6,415 points
6,415 points
rHXV6Yj25n5T... 38 for 5,599 days - - 5,637 0.3812 % 5.6137 XRP
38 RipplePunks
Total 5,599 days holding (average 147 days per RipplePunk)
38 + 5,599 = 5,637 points
5,637 points
rhqJY5t8oSW6... 32 for 5,439 days - - 5,471 0.3699 % 5.4484 XRP
32 RipplePunks
Total 5,439 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
32 + 5,439 = 5,471 points
5,471 points
rNqqZSvwMBb7... 35 for 4,873 days 1 for 40 days - 5,318 0.3596 % 5.2960 XRP
35 RipplePunks
Total 4,873 days holding (average 139 days per RipplePunk)
35 + 4,873 = 4,908 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 40 days holding (average 40 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 40) * 10 = 410 points
4,908 + 410 5,318 points
52 rG9f2zFvb5f3... 30 for 5,040 days - - 5,070 0.3428 % 5.0490 XRP
30 RipplePunks
Total 5,040 days holding (average 168 days per RipplePunk)
30 + 5,040 = 5,070 points
5,070 points
raidLtFKFTDb... 26 for 4,422 days - - 4,448 0.3008 % 4.4296 XRP
26 RipplePunks
Total 4,422 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
26 + 4,422 = 4,448 points
4,448 points
rf1eRokdNrvb... 26 for 4,034 days - 2 for 37 days 4,255 0.2877 % 4.2374 XRP
26 RipplePunks
Total 4,034 days holding (average 155 days per RipplePunk)
26 + 4,034 = 4,060 points
2 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 37 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(2 + 37) * 5 = 195 points
4,060 + 195 4,255 points
rGrdd8fc6UUK... 24 for 4,107 days - - 4,131 0.2793 % 4.1139 XRP
24 RipplePunks
Total 4,107 days holding (average 171 days per RipplePunk)
24 + 4,107 = 4,131 points
4,131 points
rLTZeeTrEupA... 60 for 4,007 days - 1 for 9 days 4,117 0.2784 % 4.1000 XRP
60 RipplePunks
Total 4,007 days holding (average 67 days per RipplePunk)
60 + 4,007 = 4,067 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 9 days holding (average 9 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 9) * 5 = 50 points
4,067 + 50 4,117 points
r4t3XX5eHf3L... 27 for 3,841 days - - 3,868 0.2615 % 3.8520 XRP
27 RipplePunks
Total 3,841 days holding (average 142 days per RipplePunk)
27 + 3,841 = 3,868 points
3,868 points
rnMbZUD2Jt1n... 22 for 3,654 days - - 3,676 0.2486 % 3.6608 XRP
22 RipplePunks
Total 3,654 days holding (average 166 days per RipplePunk)
22 + 3,654 = 3,676 points
3,676 points
r9xybjK1iS9E... 30 for 3,498 days - - 3,528 0.2385 % 3.5134 XRP
30 RipplePunks
Total 3,498 days holding (average 117 days per RipplePunk)
30 + 3,498 = 3,528 points
3,528 points
rDCd1C8sR4xG... 22 for 3,473 days - - 3,495 0.2363 % 3.4806 XRP
22 RipplePunks
Total 3,473 days holding (average 158 days per RipplePunk)
22 + 3,473 = 3,495 points
3,495 points
rfNVFVXYKqxE... 20 for 3,400 days - - 3,420 0.2312 % 3.4059 XRP
20 RipplePunks
Total 3,400 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
20 + 3,400 = 3,420 points
3,420 points
rDxrJmAStgQh... 19 for 3,249 days - - 3,268 0.2210 % 3.2545 XRP
19 RipplePunks
Total 3,249 days holding (average 171 days per RipplePunk)
19 + 3,249 = 3,268 points
3,268 points
rLRroi9yZbba... 18 for 3,105 days - - 3,123 0.2112 % 3.1101 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 3,105 days holding (average 173 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 3,105 = 3,123 points
3,123 points
raaZ4R2ip8eP... 18 for 3,091 days - - 3,109 0.2102 % 3.0961 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 3,091 days holding (average 172 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 3,091 = 3,109 points
3,109 points
rJjX5kHM1VS7... 17 for 2,890 days - - 2,907 0.1966 % 2.8950 XRP
17 RipplePunks
Total 2,890 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
17 + 2,890 = 2,907 points
2,907 points
rQpeZdqRBVmG... 10 for 1,699 days 1 for 105 days 1 for 19 days 2,869 0.1940 % 2.8571 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,699 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,699 = 1,709 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 105 days holding (average 105 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 105) * 10 = 1,060 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 19 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 19) * 5 = 100 points
1,709 + 1,060 + 100 2,869 points
rGp5gqLRLUdJ... 20 for 2,674 days - - 2,694 0.1822 % 2.6829 XRP
20 RipplePunks
Total 2,674 days holding (average 134 days per RipplePunk)
20 + 2,674 = 2,694 points
2,694 points
rU74uDenu4S8... 15 for 1,956 days 1 for 64 days - 2,621 0.1772 % 2.6102 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 1,956 days holding (average 130 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 1,956 = 1,971 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 64 days holding (average 64 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 64) * 10 = 650 points
1,971 + 650 2,621 points
rVskiZDst6oV... 14 for 1,797 days 1 for 76 days - 2,581 0.1745 % 2.5703 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 1,797 days holding (average 128 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 1,797 = 1,811 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 76 days holding (average 76 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 76) * 10 = 770 points
1,811 + 770 2,581 points
rM5WEh24ESkL... 15 for 2,565 days - - 2,580 0.1744 % 2.5693 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,565 days holding (average 171 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,565 = 2,580 points
2,580 points
rnpUjGuyvAer... 23 for 2,539 days - - 2,562 0.1732 % 2.5514 XRP
23 RipplePunks
Total 2,539 days holding (average 110 days per RipplePunk)
23 + 2,539 = 2,562 points
2,562 points
rL4j5oGbZwDp... 16 for 2,542 days - - 2,558 0.1730 % 2.5474 XRP
16 RipplePunks
Total 2,542 days holding (average 159 days per RipplePunk)
16 + 2,542 = 2,558 points
2,558 points
rGpBtiCFywHD... 15 for 2,499 days - - 2,514 0.1700 % 2.5036 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,499 days holding (average 167 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,499 = 2,514 points
2,514 points
rfouVdYmxsyg... 26 for 2,460 days - - 2,486 0.1681 % 2.4757 XRP
26 RipplePunks
Total 2,460 days holding (average 95 days per RipplePunk)
26 + 2,460 = 2,486 points
2,486 points
rUMU65sai5cv... 14 for 2,459 days - - 2,473 0.1672 % 2.4628 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 2,459 days holding (average 176 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 2,459 = 2,473 points
2,473 points
raCudLauZYEt... 10 for 1,688 days 1 for 76 days - 2,468 0.1669 % 2.4578 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,688 days holding (average 169 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,688 = 1,698 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 76 days holding (average 76 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 76) * 10 = 770 points
1,698 + 770 2,468 points
rDrP1PLVdLSN... 14 for 2,380 days - - 2,394 0.1619 % 2.3841 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 2,380 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 2,380 = 2,394 points
2,394 points
rDH2iYbvvMDg... 18 for 2,359 days - - 2,377 0.1607 % 2.3672 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 2,359 days holding (average 131 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 2,359 = 2,377 points
2,377 points
rwqtuTfp9Phm... 15 for 2,328 days - - 2,343 0.1584 % 2.3333 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,328 days holding (average 155 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,328 = 2,343 points
2,343 points
rMcg5KTZEvus... 18 for 2,297 days - - 2,315 0.1565 % 2.3054 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 2,297 days holding (average 128 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 2,297 = 2,315 points
2,315 points
rsuPdizq8idq... 15 for 2,270 days - - 2,285 0.1545 % 2.2756 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,270 days holding (average 151 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,270 = 2,285 points
2,285 points
rKPqwMxqAThn... 11 for 1,372 days 1 for 83 days - 2,223 0.1503 % 2.2138 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 1,372 days holding (average 125 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 1,372 = 1,383 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 83 days holding (average 83 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 83) * 10 = 840 points
1,383 + 840 2,223 points
rE4j2JSTLFgb... 13 for 2,170 days - - 2,183 0.1476 % 2.1740 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 2,170 days holding (average 167 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 2,170 = 2,183 points
2,183 points
rEtqTY8BNBYN... 13 for 2,156 days - - 2,169 0.1467 % 2.1600 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 2,156 days holding (average 166 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 2,156 = 2,169 points
2,169 points
rBMMKfoM9xwS... 13 for 2,155 days - - 2,168 0.1466 % 2.1590 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 2,155 days holding (average 166 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 2,155 = 2,168 points
2,168 points
rDU3tTCKYWzw... 15 for 2,113 days - - 2,128 0.1439 % 2.1192 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,113 days holding (average 141 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,113 = 2,128 points
2,128 points
rhsxg4xH8FtY... 13 for 2,071 days - - 2,084 0.1409 % 2.0754 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 2,071 days holding (average 159 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 2,071 = 2,084 points
2,084 points
rKf4cqbvdbo8... 12 for 1,980 days - - 1,992 0.1347 % 1.9838 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 1,980 days holding (average 165 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 1,980 = 1,992 points
1,992 points
rfaMK29kcqpm... 13 for 1,978 days - - 1,991 0.1346 % 1.9828 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 1,978 days holding (average 152 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 1,978 = 1,991 points
1,991 points
rajQGCYdTV5w... 12 for 1,977 days - - 1,989 0.1345 % 1.9808 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 1,977 days holding (average 165 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 1,977 = 1,989 points
1,989 points
rBDEjGczMgj2... 11 for 1,849 days - 1 for 19 days 1,960 0.1325 % 1.9519 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 1,849 days holding (average 168 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 1,849 = 1,860 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 19 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 19) * 5 = 100 points
1,860 + 100 1,960 points
92 raPuUCMgznGe... 12 for 1,944 days - - 1,956 0.1323 % 1.9479 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 1,944 days holding (average 162 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 1,944 = 1,956 points
1,956 points
rEiU9rc7rMSZ... 13 for 1,936 days - - 1,949 0.1318 % 1.9409 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 1,936 days holding (average 149 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 1,936 = 1,949 points
1,949 points
94 rD142sZDLu1W... 12 for 1,928 days - - 1,940 0.1312 % 1.9320 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 1,928 days holding (average 161 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 1,928 = 1,940 points
1,940 points
r4KHHFKwZhLj... 13 for 1,920 days - - 1,933 0.1307 % 1.9250 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 1,920 days holding (average 148 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 1,920 = 1,933 points
1,933 points
raD8DRSGJeDj... 11 for 1,905 days - - 1,916 0.1296 % 1.9081 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 1,905 days holding (average 173 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 1,905 = 1,916 points
1,916 points
97 r4A7qpvKW23m... 11 for 1,866 days - - 1,877 0.1269 % 1.8692 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 1,866 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 1,866 = 1,877 points
1,877 points
rsc1Lfe66UcW... 25 for 1,836 days - - 1,861 0.1258 % 1.8533 XRP
25 RipplePunks
Total 1,836 days holding (average 73 days per RipplePunk)
25 + 1,836 = 1,861 points
1,861 points
rszrqosxKU7W... 24 for 1,796 days - - 1,820 0.1231 % 1.8125 XRP
24 RipplePunks
Total 1,796 days holding (average 75 days per RipplePunk)
24 + 1,796 = 1,820 points
1,820 points
100 rPP72cX9Kw84... 10 for 1,800 days - - 1,810 0.1224 % 1.8025 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,800 days holding (average 180 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,800 = 1,810 points
1,810 points
101 r9XzGaAC8irx... 11 for 1,786 days - - 1,797 0.1215 % 1.7896 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 1,786 days holding (average 162 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 1,786 = 1,797 points
1,797 points
102 rHwCoBDJf8x3... 10 for 1,737 days - - 1,747 0.1181 % 1.7398 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,737 days holding (average 174 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,737 = 1,747 points
1,747 points
rnKXFQD631RZ... 29 for 1,710 days - - 1,739 0.1176 % 1.7318 XRP
29 RipplePunks
Total 1,710 days holding (average 59 days per RipplePunk)
29 + 1,710 = 1,739 points
1,739 points
rhssY88ZGmw8... 10 for 1,710 days - - 1,720 0.1163 % 1.7129 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,710 days holding (average 171 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,710 = 1,720 points
1,720 points
rNAVppacujBS... 10 for 1,706 days - - 1,716 0.1160 % 1.7089 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,706 days holding (average 171 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,706 = 1,716 points
1,716 points
rwi29qG632YR... 10 for 1,705 days - - 1,715 0.1160 % 1.7079 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,705 days holding (average 171 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,705 = 1,715 points
1,715 points
rn8wjLDVQzLv... 11 for 1,704 days - - 1,715 0.1160 % 1.7079 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 1,704 days holding (average 155 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 1,704 = 1,715 points
1,715 points
rJUPfNcFzAeA... 10 for 1,700 days - - 1,710 0.1156 % 1.7029 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,700 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,700 = 1,710 points
1,710 points
rfBMX7cni6yB... 10 for 1,700 days - - 1,710 0.1156 % 1.7029 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,700 days holding (average 170 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,700 = 1,710 points
1,710 points
rQNuZjajuFE2... 10 for 1,693 days - - 1,703 0.1151 % 1.6960 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,693 days holding (average 169 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,693 = 1,703 points
1,703 points
rwpUZ5uF2LWh... 10 for 1,690 days - - 1,700 0.1149 % 1.6930 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,690 days holding (average 169 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,690 = 1,700 points
1,700 points
rPxrBQZEYhMy... 14 for 1,683 days - - 1,697 0.1147 % 1.6900 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 1,683 days holding (average 120 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 1,683 = 1,697 points
1,697 points
rEZTjNZDqwf6... 10 for 1,673 days - - 1,683 0.1138 % 1.6760 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,673 days holding (average 167 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,673 = 1,683 points
1,683 points
rKdvjCwp5rQi... 10 for 1,670 days - - 1,680 0.1136 % 1.6731 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,670 days holding (average 167 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,670 = 1,680 points
1,680 points
rfJecfg9UnpH... 10 for 1,656 days - - 1,666 0.1126 % 1.6591 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,656 days holding (average 166 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,656 = 1,666 points
1,666 points
rsiJmkMimkdb... 10 for 1,644 days - - 1,654 0.1118 % 1.6472 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,644 days holding (average 164 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,644 = 1,654 points
1,654 points
rn8SVxJ477JX... 10 for 1,615 days - - 1,625 0.1099 % 1.6183 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,615 days holding (average 162 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,615 = 1,625 points
1,625 points
rJCGL6hW2hci... 20 for 1,599 days - - 1,619 0.1095 % 1.6123 XRP
20 RipplePunks
Total 1,599 days holding (average 80 days per RipplePunk)
20 + 1,599 = 1,619 points
1,619 points
rKwpC5pGgnzR... 10 for 1,597 days - - 1,607 0.1087 % 1.6004 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,597 days holding (average 160 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,597 = 1,607 points
1,607 points
120 rBgFcqT6Ld2s... 11 for 1,592 days - - 1,603 0.1084 % 1.5964 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 1,592 days holding (average 145 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 1,592 = 1,603 points
1,603 points
rnJm85HryCMS... 10 for 1,587 days - - 1,597 0.1080 % 1.5904 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,587 days holding (average 159 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,587 = 1,597 points
1,597 points
rKLnkABg5Zn8... 10 for 1,560 days - - 1,570 0.1062 % 1.5635 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,560 days holding (average 156 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,560 = 1,570 points
1,570 points
123 r9Sv6hJaB4SX... 10 for 1,526 days - - 1,536 0.1039 % 1.5297 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,526 days holding (average 153 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,526 = 1,536 points
1,536 points
r3wj9Vvymjfm... 11 for 1,299 days - - 1,310 0.0886 % 1.3046 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 1,299 days holding (average 118 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 1,299 = 1,310 points
1,310 points
rQaxPsfzRN47... 10 for 1,290 days - - 1,300 0.0879 % 1.2946 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,290 days holding (average 129 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,290 = 1,300 points
1,300 points
rPFyThzA2VYQ... 12 for 1,212 days - - 1,224 0.0828 % 1.2189 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 1,212 days holding (average 101 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 1,212 = 1,224 points
1,224 points
rUVkTP3SkoRS... 20 for 1,168 days - - 1,188 0.0803 % 1.1831 XRP
20 RipplePunks
Total 1,168 days holding (average 58 days per RipplePunk)
20 + 1,168 = 1,188 points
1,188 points
rNVH3CnU7BP7... 13 for 1,167 days - - 1,180 0.0798 % 1.1751 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 1,167 days holding (average 90 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 1,167 = 1,180 points
1,180 points
rNXrMBdRkkTb... 10 for 1,054 days - - 1,064 0.0719 % 1.0596 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,054 days holding (average 105 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,054 = 1,064 points
1,064 points
rPqNmnCPgxhb... 15 for 733 days - - 748 0.0506 % 0.7449 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 733 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 733 = 748 points
748 points
rDrdFz7yLCbe... 10 for 596 days - 1 for 18 days 701 0.0474 % 0.6981 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 596 days holding (average 60 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 596 = 606 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 18 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 18) * 5 = 95 points
606 + 95 701 points
rsQEXCibf7Yb... 10 for 480 days - - 490 0.0331 % 0.4880 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 480 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 480 = 490 points
490 points
raFurwrCByVb... 10 for 335 days - - 345 0.0233 % 0.3436 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 335 days holding (average 34 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 335 = 345 points
345 points
rHrJRrNxT8Vj... 10 for 290 days - - 300 0.0203 % 0.2988 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 290 days holding (average 29 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 290 = 300 points
300 points
r3yrPZ8bftPa... 10 for 226 days - - 236 0.0160 % 0.2350 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 226 days holding (average 23 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 226 = 236 points
236 points
rpEBtUn1exi8... 12 for 216 days - - 228 0.0154 % 0.2271 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 216 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 216 = 228 points
228 points
137 rNVeHPKHjd1W... 27 for 189 days - - 216 0.0146 % 0.2151 XRP
27 RipplePunks
Total 189 days holding (average 7 days per RipplePunk)
27 + 189 = 216 points
216 points
rJCEgyecdgVr... 10 for 183 days - - 193 0.0130 % 0.1922 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 183 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 183 = 193 points
193 points
rKnNqBM7v14B... 11 for 90 days - 1 for 3 days 121 0.0082 % 0.1205 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 90 days holding (average 8 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 90 = 101 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds (matches with OGs)
Total 3 days holding (average 3 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 3) * 5 = 20 points
101 + 20 121 points
rKTqXbv2sKjn... 15 for 101 days - - 116 0.0078 % 0.1155 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 101 days holding (average 7 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 101 = 116 points
116 points
r4inx5Rs7arJ... 10 for 90 days - - 100 0.0068 % 0.0996 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 90 days holding (average 9 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 90 = 100 points
100 points
rBTCar2wX1tf... 10 for 86 days - - 96 0.0065 % 0.0956 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 86 days holding (average 9 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 86 = 96 points
96 points
rD1kv5YdRBC5... 10 for 70 days - - 80 0.0054 % 0.0797 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 70 days holding (average 7 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 70 = 80 points
80 points
rEUSHy6B6Uwz... 16 for 62 days - - 78 0.0053 % 0.0777 XRP
16 RipplePunks
Total 62 days holding (average 4 days per RipplePunk)
16 + 62 = 78 points
78 points
9,294 for 1,373,129 days 51 for 4,292 days 573 for 10,045 days 78 100 % 1,472.8300 XRP

* To put it simply, the points system for RipplePunks works as follows: Each RipplePunk you own is equivalent to 1 point, and every day you continue to hold a RipplePunk earns you an additional point. Therefore, upon purchasing a RipplePunk, you will receive one point automatically, and for each day you hold onto it thereafter, you will receive an additional point. Your points are carried over to the following month. However, if you sell or transfer a RipplePunk, the points attributed to that particular RipplePunk will be subtracted from your total point balance.