The Royalties Table

min. 10 OG RipplePunks to apply OR
min. 20 RipplePunk Rewinds OR
1 RipplePunk Quartet (4 of a kind)

Snapshot 2023-08-31 23:59 AST

previous snapshot - next snapshot

5% RipplePunks Royalties 846.87 XRP
5% RipplePunks Rewind Royalties 312.86 XRP
5% RipplePunks Quartet Royalties 20.29 XRP
Total Community Royalties 1,180.02 XRP
(See Payout History)
Owner OG Quartet Rewind Points Cut % Cut XRP
1 rPGBweHVaTnf... 1,315 for 266,561 days -
1,890 rewinds for 92,907 days
285 matches for 14,012 days
386,760 18.5819 % 219.2706 XRP
1,315 RipplePunks
Total 266,561 days holding (average 203 days per RipplePunk)
1,315 + 266,561 = 267,876 points
1,890 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 92,907 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(1,890 + 92,907) * 0.5 = 47,399 points
285 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 14,012 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(285 + 14,012) * 5 = 71,485 points
267,876 + 47,399 + 71,485 = 386,760 points
2 rLocutusUi8H... 627 for 121,390 days 34 cards for 4,414 days
5 quartets for 627 days
624 rewinds for 30,589 days
43 matches for 2,028 days
165,067 7.9307 % 93.5833 XRP
627 RipplePunks
Total 121,390 days holding (average 194 days per RipplePunk)
627 + 121,390 = 122,017 points
34 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 4,414 days holding (average 130 days per RipplePunk Card)
(34 + 4,414) * 1 = 4,448 points
5 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 627 days holding (average 125 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(5 + 627) * 20 = 12,640 points
624 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 30,589 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(624 + 30,589) * 0.5 = 15,607 points
43 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 2,028 days holding (average 47 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(43 + 2,028) * 5 = 10,355 points
122,017 + 4,448 + 12,640 + 15,607 + 10,355 = 165,067 points
rpfVxoGWyCG9... 321 for 31,682 days 139 cards for 17,169 days
23 quartets for 2,642 days
351 rewinds for 17,219 days
28 matches for 1,309 days
118,081 5.6732 % 66.9452 XRP
321 RipplePunks
Total 31,682 days holding (average 99 days per RipplePunk)
321 + 31,682 = 32,003 points
139 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 17,169 days holding (average 124 days per RipplePunk Card)
(139 + 17,169) * 1 = 17,308 points
23 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 2,642 days holding (average 115 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(23 + 2,642) * 20 = 53,300 points
351 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 17,219 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(351 + 17,219) * 0.5 = 8,785 points
28 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 1,309 days holding (average 47 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(28 + 1,309) * 5 = 6,685 points
32,003 + 17,308 + 53,300 + 8,785 + 6,685 = 118,081 points
r3LAichpcBeZ... 335 for 63,364 days 10 cards for 1,313 days
1 quartets for 118 days
127 rewinds for 6,349 days
4 matches for 200 days
71,660 3.4429 % 40.6271 XRP
335 RipplePunks
Total 63,364 days holding (average 189 days per RipplePunk)
335 + 63,364 = 63,699 points
10 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 1,313 days holding (average 131 days per RipplePunk Card)
(10 + 1,313) * 1 = 1,323 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 118 days holding (average 118 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 118) * 20 = 2,380 points
127 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 6,349 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(127 + 6,349) * 0.5 = 3,238 points
4 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 200 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(4 + 200) * 5 = 1,020 points
63,699 + 1,323 + 2,380 + 3,238 + 1,020 = 71,660 points
raWYT6DD2XFA... 263 for 50,663 days 10 cards for 1,361 days
1 quartets for 133 days
270 rewinds for 13,219 days
8 matches for 392 days
63,722 3.0615 % 36.1265 XRP
263 RipplePunks
Total 50,663 days holding (average 193 days per RipplePunk)
263 + 50,663 = 50,926 points
10 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 1,361 days holding (average 136 days per RipplePunk Card)
(10 + 1,361) * 1 = 1,371 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 133 days holding (average 133 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 133) * 20 = 2,680 points
270 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 13,219 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(270 + 13,219) * 0.5 = 6,745 points
8 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 392 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(8 + 392) * 5 = 2,000 points
50,926 + 1,371 + 2,680 + 6,745 + 2,000 = 63,722 points
6 rFps2Xf8a2wJ... 239 for 48,493 days -
255 rewinds for 12,494 days
27 matches for 1,278 days
61,632 2.9611 % 34.9416 XRP
239 RipplePunks
Total 48,493 days holding (average 203 days per RipplePunk)
239 + 48,493 = 48,732 points
255 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 12,494 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(255 + 12,494) * 0.5 = 6,375 points
27 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 1,278 days holding (average 47 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(27 + 1,278) * 5 = 6,525 points
48,732 + 6,375 + 6,525 = 61,632 points
rwbaCNkedtHa... 240 for 31,287 days 22 cards for 1,974 days
4 quartets for 354 days
347 rewinds for 13,991 days
50 matches for 1,201 days
54,107 2.5996 % 30.6756 XRP
240 RipplePunks
Total 31,287 days holding (average 130 days per RipplePunk)
240 + 31,287 = 31,527 points
22 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 1,974 days holding (average 90 days per RipplePunk Card)
(22 + 1,974) * 1 = 1,996 points
4 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 354 days holding (average 89 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(4 + 354) * 20 = 7,160 points
347 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 13,991 days holding (average 40 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(347 + 13,991) * 0.5 = 7,169 points
50 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 1,201 days holding (average 24 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(50 + 1,201) * 5 = 6,255 points
31,527 + 1,996 + 7,160 + 7,169 + 6,255 = 54,107 points
rNGSyfpFP8WF... 226 for 43,480 days -
220 rewinds for 10,983 days
10 matches for 483 days
52,607 2.5275 % 29.8249 XRP
226 RipplePunks
Total 43,480 days holding (average 192 days per RipplePunk)
226 + 43,480 = 43,706 points
6 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 828 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(6 + 828) * 1 = 834 points
220 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 10,983 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(220 + 10,983) * 0.5 = 5,602 points
10 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 483 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(10 + 483) * 5 = 2,465 points
43,706 + 834 + 5,602 + 2,465 = 52,607 points
rNoeYYR9xn7K... 419 for 35,563 days -
446 rewinds for 21,922 days
20 matches for 984 days
52,186 2.5073 % 29.5865 XRP
419 RipplePunks
Total 35,563 days holding (average 85 days per RipplePunk)
419 + 35,563 = 35,982 points
446 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 21,922 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(446 + 21,922) * 0.5 = 11,184 points
20 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 984 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(20 + 984) * 5 = 5,020 points
35,982 + 11,184 + 5,020 = 52,186 points
rK83qfpxLqD8... 210 for 42,296 days -
208 rewinds for 10,192 days
5 matches for 245 days
49,489 2.3777 % 28.0574 XRP
210 RipplePunks
Total 42,296 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
210 + 42,296 = 42,506 points
4 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 529 days holding (average 132 days per RipplePunk Card)
(4 + 529) * 1 = 533 points
208 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 10,192 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(208 + 10,192) * 0.5 = 5,200 points
5 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 245 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(5 + 245) * 5 = 1,250 points
42,506 + 533 + 5,200 + 1,250 = 49,489 points
rfcBGSNFH6AJ... 204 for 37,708 days -
216 rewinds for 10,037 days
8 matches for 291 days
44,951 2.1597 % 25.4844 XRP
204 RipplePunks
Total 37,708 days holding (average 185 days per RipplePunk)
204 + 37,708 = 37,912 points
3 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 414 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(3 + 414) * 1 = 417 points
216 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 10,037 days holding (average 46 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(216 + 10,037) * 0.5 = 5,127 points
8 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 291 days holding (average 36 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(8 + 291) * 5 = 1,495 points
37,912 + 417 + 5,127 + 1,495 = 44,951 points
rGvUuYaQH5Je... 198 for 40,206 days -
116 rewinds for 5,703 days
1 matches for 50 days
44,542 2.1400 % 25.2525 XRP
198 RipplePunks
Total 40,206 days holding (average 203 days per RipplePunk)
198 + 40,206 = 40,404 points
7 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 966 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(7 + 966) * 1 = 973 points
116 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 5,703 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(116 + 5,703) * 0.5 = 2,910 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 50 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 50) * 5 = 255 points
40,404 + 973 + 2,910 + 255 = 44,542 points
r4zLg6wZyXfn... 125 for 18,255 days 53 cards for 6,163 days
5 quartets for 554 days
123 rewinds for 6,150 days
1 matches for 50 days
39,168 1.8818 % 22.2057 XRP
125 RipplePunks
Total 18,255 days holding (average 146 days per RipplePunk)
125 + 18,255 = 18,380 points
53 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 6,163 days holding (average 116 days per RipplePunk Card)
(53 + 6,163) * 1 = 6,216 points
5 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 554 days holding (average 111 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(5 + 554) * 20 = 11,180 points
123 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 6,150 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(123 + 6,150) * 0.5 = 3,137 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 50 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 50) * 5 = 255 points
18,380 + 6,216 + 11,180 + 3,137 + 255 = 39,168 points
14 rEGdtVbJp2FE... 136 for 25,138 days 11 cards for 1,489 days
2 quartets for 254 days
153 rewinds for 7,599 days
1 matches for 50 days
36,025 1.7308 % 20.4241 XRP
136 RipplePunks
Total 25,138 days holding (average 185 days per RipplePunk)
136 + 25,138 = 25,274 points
11 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 1,489 days holding (average 135 days per RipplePunk Card)
(11 + 1,489) * 1 = 1,500 points
2 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 254 days holding (average 127 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(2 + 254) * 20 = 5,120 points
153 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 7,599 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(153 + 7,599) * 0.5 = 3,876 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 50 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 50) * 5 = 255 points
25,274 + 1,500 + 5,120 + 3,876 + 255 = 36,025 points
rK8PmczKYHzi... 149 for 29,490 days -
164 rewinds for 8,162 days
4 matches for 200 days
34,961 1.6797 % 19.8209 XRP
149 RipplePunks
Total 29,490 days holding (average 198 days per RipplePunk)
149 + 29,490 = 29,639 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 138 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 138) * 1 = 139 points
164 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 8,162 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(164 + 8,162) * 0.5 = 4,163 points
4 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 200 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(4 + 200) * 5 = 1,020 points
29,639 + 139 + 4,163 + 1,020 = 34,961 points
16 rwoHZQXJvP9Y... 144 for 26,141 days -
143 rewinds for 7,123 days
2 matches for 100 days
31,260 1.5019 % 17.7226 XRP
144 RipplePunks
Total 26,141 days holding (average 182 days per RipplePunk)
144 + 26,141 = 26,285 points
6 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 826 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(6 + 826) * 1 = 832 points
143 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 7,123 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(143 + 7,123) * 0.5 = 3,633 points
2 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 100 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(2 + 100) * 5 = 510 points
26,285 + 832 + 3,633 + 510 = 31,260 points
r3pXVGvgffjy... 141 for 27,265 days -
28,222 1.3559 % 16.0003 XRP
141 RipplePunks
Total 27,265 days holding (average 193 days per RipplePunk)
141 + 27,265 = 27,406 points
6 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 810 days holding (average 135 days per RipplePunk Card)
(6 + 810) * 1 = 816 points
27,406 + 816 = 28,222 points
raM9axfoMEvf... 113 for 22,774 days -
122 rewinds for 5,817 days
1 matches for 50 days
27,222 1.3079 % 15.4330 XRP
113 RipplePunks
Total 22,774 days holding (average 202 days per RipplePunk)
113 + 22,774 = 22,887 points
8 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 1,102 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(8 + 1,102) * 1 = 1,110 points
122 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 5,817 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(122 + 5,817) * 0.5 = 2,970 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 50 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 50) * 5 = 255 points
22,887 + 1,110 + 2,970 + 255 = 27,222 points
rP5iJTpyvjdT... 108 for 19,229 days -
96 rewinds for 4,790 days
7 matches for 350 days
24,255 1.1653 % 13.7512 XRP
108 RipplePunks
Total 19,229 days holding (average 178 days per RipplePunk)
108 + 19,229 = 19,337 points
5 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 685 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(5 + 685) * 1 = 690 points
96 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 4,790 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(96 + 4,790) * 0.5 = 2,443 points
7 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 350 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(7 + 350) * 5 = 1,785 points
19,337 + 690 + 2,443 + 1,785 = 24,255 points
rB7GyjBZ9j1y... 104 for 19,690 days 4 cards for 543 days
1 quartets for 130 days
22,961 1.1032 % 13.0176 XRP
104 RipplePunks
Total 19,690 days holding (average 189 days per RipplePunk)
104 + 19,690 = 19,794 points
4 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 543 days holding (average 136 days per RipplePunk Card)
(4 + 543) * 1 = 547 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 130 days holding (average 130 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 130) * 20 = 2,620 points
19,794 + 547 + 2,620 = 22,961 points
rDQebRiVztDn... 92 for 18,486 days -
95 rewinds for 4,625 days
2 matches for 98 days
22,108 1.0622 % 12.5340 XRP
92 RipplePunks
Total 18,486 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
92 + 18,486 = 18,578 points
5 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 665 days holding (average 133 days per RipplePunk Card)
(5 + 665) * 1 = 670 points
95 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 4,625 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(95 + 4,625) * 0.5 = 2,360 points
2 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 98 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(2 + 98) * 5 = 500 points
18,578 + 670 + 2,360 + 500 = 22,108 points
rKLNzLCJgkEc... 83 for 16,556 days -
80 rewinds for 4,000 days
1 matches for 50 days
18,934 0.9097 % 10.7345 XRP
83 RipplePunks
Total 16,556 days holding (average 199 days per RipplePunk)
83 + 16,556 = 16,639 points
80 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 4,000 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(80 + 4,000) * 0.5 = 2,040 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 50 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 50) * 5 = 255 points
16,639 + 2,040 + 255 = 18,934 points
rHTCvwNk68UQ... 87 for 16,765 days -
37 rewinds for 1,850 days
17,796 0.8550 % 10.0890 XRP
87 RipplePunks
Total 16,765 days holding (average 193 days per RipplePunk)
87 + 16,765 = 16,852 points
37 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,850 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(37 + 1,850) * 0.5 = 944 points
16,852 + 944 = 17,796 points
rJdKnQn3C4Vt... 50 for 10,308 days 12 cards for 1,531 days
1 quartets for 124 days
54 rewinds for 2,690 days
2 matches for 97 days
16,268 0.7816 % 9.2230 XRP
50 RipplePunks
Total 10,308 days holding (average 206 days per RipplePunk)
50 + 10,308 = 10,358 points
12 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 1,531 days holding (average 128 days per RipplePunk Card)
(12 + 1,531) * 1 = 1,543 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 124 days holding (average 124 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 124) * 20 = 2,500 points
54 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,690 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(54 + 2,690) * 0.5 = 1,372 points
2 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 97 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(2 + 97) * 5 = 495 points
10,358 + 1,543 + 2,500 + 1,372 + 495 = 16,268 points
rnuXXecrYw5M... 38 for 6,271 days 14 cards for 1,751 days
3 quartets for 336 days
41 rewinds for 1,922 days
4 matches for 76 days
16,236 0.7800 % 9.2046 XRP
38 RipplePunks
Total 6,271 days holding (average 165 days per RipplePunk)
38 + 6,271 = 6,309 points
14 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 1,751 days holding (average 125 days per RipplePunk Card)
(14 + 1,751) * 1 = 1,765 points
3 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 336 days holding (average 112 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(3 + 336) * 20 = 6,780 points
41 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,922 days holding (average 47 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(41 + 1,922) * 0.5 = 982 points
4 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 76 days holding (average 19 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(4 + 76) * 5 = 400 points
6,309 + 1,765 + 6,780 + 982 + 400 = 16,236 points
rP5MLEghUajo... 72 for 12,584 days -
62 rewinds for 3,038 days
1 matches for 49 days
14,732 0.7078 % 8.3522 XRP
72 RipplePunks
Total 12,584 days holding (average 175 days per RipplePunk)
72 + 12,584 = 12,656 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 274 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 274) * 1 = 276 points
62 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 3,038 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(62 + 3,038) * 0.5 = 1,550 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 49 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 49) * 5 = 250 points
12,656 + 276 + 1,550 + 250 = 14,732 points
rnA7GhHW2SmL... 79 for 11,142 days -
75 rewinds for 3,163 days
18 matches for 322 days
14,540 0.6986 % 8.2434 XRP
79 RipplePunks
Total 11,142 days holding (average 141 days per RipplePunk)
79 + 11,142 = 11,221 points
75 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 3,163 days holding (average 42 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(75 + 3,163) * 0.5 = 1,619 points
18 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 322 days holding (average 18 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(18 + 322) * 5 = 1,700 points
11,221 + 1,619 + 1,700 = 14,540 points
r3ynGMh6FS9f... 100 for 11,822 days -
100 rewinds for 4,903 days
14,520 0.6976 % 8.2317 XRP
100 RipplePunks
Total 11,822 days holding (average 118 days per RipplePunk)
100 + 11,822 = 11,922 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 95 days holding (average 95 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 95) * 1 = 96 points
100 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 4,903 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(100 + 4,903) * 0.5 = 2,502 points
11,922 + 96 + 2,502 = 14,520 points
rXzHPTK4oab5... 60 for 12,000 days -
60 rewinds for 3,000 days
1 matches for 50 days
13,845 0.6652 % 7.8493 XRP
60 RipplePunks
Total 12,000 days holding (average 200 days per RipplePunk)
60 + 12,000 = 12,060 points
60 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 3,000 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(60 + 3,000) * 0.5 = 1,530 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 50 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 50) * 5 = 255 points
12,060 + 1,530 + 255 = 13,845 points
rp2M8tNduez6... 62 for 12,247 days -
51 rewinds for 2,504 days
1 matches for 49 days
13,837 0.6648 % 7.8445 XRP
62 RipplePunks
Total 12,247 days holding (average 198 days per RipplePunk)
62 + 12,247 = 12,309 points
51 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,504 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(51 + 2,504) * 0.5 = 1,278 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 49 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 49) * 5 = 250 points
12,309 + 1,278 + 250 = 13,837 points
rHRg56skfuQo... 66 for 13,228 days -
1 rewinds for 49 days
13,458 0.6466 % 7.6299 XRP
66 RipplePunks
Total 13,228 days holding (average 200 days per RipplePunk)
66 + 13,228 = 13,294 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 138 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 138) * 1 = 139 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 49 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(1 + 49) * 0.5 = 25 points
13,294 + 139 + 25 = 13,458 points
raXcH79zhz6i... 53 for 10,863 days -
53 rewinds for 2,638 days
12,947 0.6220 % 7.3399 XRP
53 RipplePunks
Total 10,863 days holding (average 205 days per RipplePunk)
53 + 10,863 = 10,916 points
5 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 680 days holding (average 136 days per RipplePunk Card)
(5 + 680) * 1 = 685 points
53 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,638 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(53 + 2,638) * 0.5 = 1,346 points
10,916 + 685 + 1,346 = 12,947 points
rMAWmdwqwxE5... 55 for 10,857 days -
55 rewinds for 2,750 days
12,732 0.6117 % 7.2180 XRP
55 RipplePunks
Total 10,857 days holding (average 197 days per RipplePunk)
55 + 10,857 = 10,912 points
3 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 414 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(3 + 414) * 1 = 417 points
55 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,750 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(55 + 2,750) * 0.5 = 1,403 points
10,912 + 417 + 1,403 = 12,732 points
r4jDhMv1KdML... 56 for 11,187 days -
55 rewinds for 2,585 days
12,701 0.6102 % 7.2007 XRP
56 RipplePunks
Total 11,187 days holding (average 200 days per RipplePunk)
56 + 11,187 = 11,243 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 137 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 137) * 1 = 138 points
55 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,585 days holding (average 47 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(55 + 2,585) * 0.5 = 1,320 points
11,243 + 138 + 1,320 = 12,701 points
rDpLcKCi18ix... 55 for 10,486 days -
65 rewinds for 3,150 days
12,557 0.6033 % 7.1188 XRP
55 RipplePunks
Total 10,486 days holding (average 191 days per RipplePunk)
55 + 10,486 = 10,541 points
3 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 405 days holding (average 135 days per RipplePunk Card)
(3 + 405) * 1 = 408 points
65 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 3,150 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(65 + 3,150) * 0.5 = 1,608 points
10,541 + 408 + 1,608 = 12,557 points
rkGQTQ4vw5t8... 50 for 10,470 days -
50 rewinds for 2,500 days
12,351 0.5934 % 7.0023 XRP
50 RipplePunks
Total 10,470 days holding (average 209 days per RipplePunk)
50 + 10,470 = 10,520 points
4 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 552 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(4 + 552) * 1 = 556 points
50 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,500 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(50 + 2,500) * 0.5 = 1,275 points
10,520 + 556 + 1,275 = 12,351 points
rs4v9e99y597... 382 for 9,267 days -
65 rewinds for 3,106 days
5 matches for 215 days
12,335 0.5926 % 6.9930 XRP
382 RipplePunks
Total 9,267 days holding (average 24 days per RipplePunk)
382 + 9,267 = 9,649 points
65 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 3,106 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(65 + 3,106) * 0.5 = 1,586 points
5 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 215 days holding (average 43 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(5 + 215) * 5 = 1,100 points
9,649 + 1,586 + 1,100 = 12,335 points
rnMYZgTs6Vsq... 54 for 10,795 days -
55 rewinds for 2,695 days
12,224 0.5873 % 6.9303 XRP
54 RipplePunks
Total 10,795 days holding (average 200 days per RipplePunk)
54 + 10,795 = 10,849 points
55 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,695 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(55 + 2,695) * 0.5 = 1,375 points
10,849 + 1,375 = 12,224 points
rJeAZTBDTZgM... 46 for 8,566 days -
66 rewinds for 2,638 days
16 matches for 258 days
11,750 0.5645 % 6.6616 XRP
46 RipplePunks
Total 8,566 days holding (average 186 days per RipplePunk)
46 + 8,566 = 8,612 points
3 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 413 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(3 + 413) * 1 = 416 points
66 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,638 days holding (average 40 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(66 + 2,638) * 0.5 = 1,352 points
16 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 258 days holding (average 16 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(16 + 258) * 5 = 1,370 points
8,612 + 416 + 1,352 + 1,370 = 11,750 points
rNqqZSvwMBb7... 43 for 6,078 days 9 cards for 1,012 days
1 quartets for 71 days
103 rewinds for 4,331 days
4 matches for 174 days
11,689 0.5616 % 6.6270 XRP
43 RipplePunks
Total 6,078 days holding (average 141 days per RipplePunk)
43 + 6,078 = 6,121 points
9 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 1,012 days holding (average 112 days per RipplePunk Card)
(9 + 1,012) * 1 = 1,021 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 71 days holding (average 71 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 71) * 20 = 1,440 points
103 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 4,331 days holding (average 42 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(103 + 4,331) * 0.5 = 2,217 points
4 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 174 days holding (average 44 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(4 + 174) * 5 = 890 points
6,121 + 1,021 + 1,440 + 2,217 + 890 = 11,689 points
41 rUW53Mhu7Q5T... 63 for 9,510 days -
63 rewinds for 3,087 days
11,405 0.5480 % 6.4660 XRP
63 RipplePunks
Total 9,510 days holding (average 151 days per RipplePunk)
63 + 9,510 = 9,573 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 255 days holding (average 128 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 255) * 1 = 257 points
63 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 3,087 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(63 + 3,087) * 0.5 = 1,575 points
9,573 + 257 + 1,575 = 11,405 points
rMzRzvqVQ8wB... 47 for 9,633 days -
30 rewinds for 1,500 days
1 matches for 50 days
11,256 0.5408 % 6.3815 XRP
47 RipplePunks
Total 9,633 days holding (average 205 days per RipplePunk)
47 + 9,633 = 9,680 points
4 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 552 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(4 + 552) * 1 = 556 points
30 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,500 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(30 + 1,500) * 0.5 = 765 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 50 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 50) * 5 = 255 points
9,680 + 556 + 765 + 255 = 11,256 points
rnLPawGRp7VP... 57 for 9,432 days -
55 rewinds for 2,750 days
10,892 0.5233 % 6.1749 XRP
57 RipplePunks
Total 9,432 days holding (average 165 days per RipplePunk)
57 + 9,432 = 9,489 points
55 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,750 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(55 + 2,750) * 0.5 = 1,403 points
9,489 + 1,403 = 10,892 points
rfKLU8LbG5Uf... 43 for 8,731 days -
48 rewinds for 2,333 days
1 matches for 44 days
10,604 0.5094 % 6.0116 XRP
43 RipplePunks
Total 8,731 days holding (average 203 days per RipplePunk)
43 + 8,731 = 8,774 points
3 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 411 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(3 + 411) * 1 = 414 points
48 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,333 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(48 + 2,333) * 0.5 = 1,191 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 44 days holding (average 44 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 44) * 5 = 225 points
8,774 + 414 + 1,191 + 225 = 10,604 points
rQhvQ9sc1pbe... 46 for 9,202 days -
47 rewinds for 2,307 days
10,425 0.5009 % 5.9104 XRP
46 RipplePunks
Total 9,202 days holding (average 200 days per RipplePunk)
46 + 9,202 = 9,248 points
47 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,307 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(47 + 2,307) * 0.5 = 1,177 points
9,248 + 1,177 = 10,425 points
rBToEwgFcwrz... 45 for 9,039 days -
45 rewinds for 2,250 days
10,370 0.4982 % 5.8789 XRP
45 RipplePunks
Total 9,039 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
45 + 9,039 = 9,084 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 137 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 137) * 1 = 138 points
45 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,250 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(45 + 2,250) * 0.5 = 1,148 points
9,084 + 138 + 1,148 = 10,370 points
rQnKaDya7ix9... 44 for 8,535 days -
44 rewinds for 2,200 days
9,701 0.4661 % 5.4999 XRP
44 RipplePunks
Total 8,535 days holding (average 194 days per RipplePunk)
44 + 8,535 = 8,579 points
44 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,200 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(44 + 2,200) * 0.5 = 1,122 points
8,579 + 1,122 = 9,701 points
rMeBtmzeJjto... 42 for 7,945 days -
42 rewinds for 2,075 days
9,184 0.4412 % 5.2065 XRP
42 RipplePunks
Total 7,945 days holding (average 189 days per RipplePunk)
42 + 7,945 = 7,987 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 137 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 137) * 1 = 138 points
42 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,075 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(42 + 2,075) * 0.5 = 1,059 points
7,987 + 138 + 1,059 = 9,184 points
raMJdHT6FJmo... 37 for 7,525 days -
37 rewinds for 1,813 days
9,029 0.4338 % 5.1189 XRP
37 RipplePunks
Total 7,525 days holding (average 203 days per RipplePunk)
37 + 7,525 = 7,562 points
4 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 538 days holding (average 135 days per RipplePunk Card)
(4 + 538) * 1 = 542 points
37 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,813 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(37 + 1,813) * 0.5 = 925 points
7,562 + 542 + 925 = 9,029 points
rLTZeeTrEupA... 78 for 5,903 days -
42 rewinds for 2,090 days
1 matches for 40 days
8,055 0.3870 % 4.5667 XRP
78 RipplePunks
Total 5,903 days holding (average 76 days per RipplePunk)
78 + 5,903 = 5,981 points
6 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 797 days holding (average 133 days per RipplePunk Card)
(6 + 797) * 1 = 803 points
42 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,090 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(42 + 2,090) * 0.5 = 1,066 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 40 days holding (average 40 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 40) * 5 = 205 points
5,981 + 803 + 1,066 + 205 = 8,055 points
rhqJY5t8oSW6... 32 for 6,431 days -
31 rewinds for 1,519 days
7,238 0.3478 % 4.1035 XRP
32 RipplePunks
Total 6,431 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
32 + 6,431 = 6,463 points
31 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,519 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(31 + 1,519) * 0.5 = 775 points
6,463 + 775 = 7,238 points
rHXV6Yj25n5T... 38 for 6,772 days -
6,948 0.3338 % 3.9391 XRP
38 RipplePunks
Total 6,772 days holding (average 178 days per RipplePunk)
38 + 6,772 = 6,810 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 137 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 137) * 1 = 138 points
6,810 + 138 = 6,948 points
rf1eRokdNrvb... 27 for 4,841 days -
27 rewinds for 1,349 days
2 matches for 99 days
6,475 0.3111 % 3.6710 XRP
27 RipplePunks
Total 4,841 days holding (average 179 days per RipplePunk)
27 + 4,841 = 4,868 points
3 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 411 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(3 + 411) * 1 = 414 points
27 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,349 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(27 + 1,349) * 0.5 = 688 points
2 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 99 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(2 + 99) * 5 = 505 points
4,868 + 414 + 688 + 505 = 6,475 points
rVskiZDst6oV... 15 for 2,258 days 13 cards for 1,581 days
1 quartets for 107 days
19 rewinds for 863 days
6,468 0.3108 % 3.6670 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,258 days holding (average 151 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,258 = 2,273 points
13 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 1,581 days holding (average 122 days per RipplePunk Card)
(13 + 1,581) * 1 = 1,594 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 107 days holding (average 107 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 107) * 20 = 2,160 points
19 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 863 days holding (average 45 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(19 + 863) * 0.5 = 441 points
2,273 + 1,594 + 2,160 + 441 = 6,468 points
rG9f2zFvb5f3... 30 for 5,970 days -
6,000 0.2883 % 3.4017 XRP
30 RipplePunks
Total 5,970 days holding (average 199 days per RipplePunk)
30 + 5,970 = 6,000 points
6,000 points
rQpeZdqRBVmG... 10 for 2,009 days 4 cards for 547 days
1 quartets for 136 days
14 rewinds for 693 days
1 matches for 50 days
5,919 0.2844 % 3.3555 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 2,009 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 2,009 = 2,019 points
4 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 547 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(4 + 547) * 1 = 551 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 136 days holding (average 136 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 136) * 20 = 2,740 points
14 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 693 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(14 + 693) * 0.5 = 354 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 50 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 50) * 5 = 255 points
2,019 + 551 + 2,740 + 354 + 255 = 5,919 points
rU74uDenu4S8... 15 for 2,421 days 8 cards for 903 days
1 quartets for 95 days
16 rewinds for 785 days
5,668 0.2723 % 3.2131 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,421 days holding (average 161 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,421 = 2,436 points
8 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 903 days holding (average 113 days per RipplePunk Card)
(8 + 903) * 1 = 911 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 95 days holding (average 95 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 95) * 20 = 1,920 points
16 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 785 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(16 + 785) * 0.5 = 401 points
2,436 + 911 + 1,920 + 401 = 5,668 points
r4t3XX5eHf3L... 31 for 4,717 days -
23 rewinds for 1,127 days
5,597 0.2689 % 3.1732 XRP
31 RipplePunks
Total 4,717 days holding (average 152 days per RipplePunk)
31 + 4,717 = 4,748 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 272 days holding (average 136 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 272) * 1 = 274 points
23 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,127 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(23 + 1,127) * 0.5 = 575 points
4,748 + 274 + 575 = 5,597 points
raidLtFKFTDb... 26 for 5,228 days -
2 rewinds for 20 days
5,265 0.2530 % 2.9850 XRP
26 RipplePunks
Total 5,228 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
26 + 5,228 = 5,254 points
2 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 20 days holding (average 10 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(2 + 20) * 0.5 = 11 points
5,254 + 11 = 5,265 points
rKPqwMxqAThn... 13 for 1,715 days 5 cards for 629 days
1 quartets for 114 days
18 rewinds for 874 days
5,108 0.2454 % 2.8959 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 1,715 days holding (average 132 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 1,715 = 1,728 points
5 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 629 days holding (average 126 days per RipplePunk Card)
(5 + 629) * 1 = 634 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 114 days holding (average 114 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 114) * 20 = 2,300 points
18 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 874 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(18 + 874) * 0.5 = 446 points
1,728 + 634 + 2,300 + 446 = 5,108 points
rnMbZUD2Jt1n... 22 for 4,336 days -
22 rewinds for 1,100 days
4,919 0.2363 % 2.7888 XRP
22 RipplePunks
Total 4,336 days holding (average 197 days per RipplePunk)
22 + 4,336 = 4,358 points
22 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,100 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(22 + 1,100) * 0.5 = 561 points
4,358 + 561 = 4,919 points
raCudLauZYEt... 10 for 1,998 days 4 cards for 466 days
1 quartets for 107 days
10 rewinds for 500 days
4,893 0.2351 % 2.7741 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,998 days holding (average 200 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,998 = 2,008 points
4 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 466 days holding (average 117 days per RipplePunk Card)
(4 + 466) * 1 = 470 points
1 RipplePunk Quartets (4 of a kind)
Total 107 days holding (average 107 days per RipplePunk Quartet)
(1 + 107) * 20 = 2,160 points
10 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 500 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(10 + 500) * 0.5 = 255 points
2,008 + 470 + 2,160 + 255 = 4,893 points
rfuFaNdYkNjn... 18 for 39 days -
327 rewinds for 7,464 days
10 matches for 169 days
4,852 0.2331 % 2.7505 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 39 days holding (average 2 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 39 = 57 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 3 days holding (average 3 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 3) * 1 = 4 points
327 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 7,464 days holding (average 23 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(327 + 7,464) * 0.5 = 3,896 points
10 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 169 days holding (average 17 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(10 + 169) * 5 = 895 points
57 + 4 + 3,896 + 895 = 4,852 points
r9xybjK1iS9E... 28 for 4,246 days -
21 rewinds for 1,050 days
4,810 0.2311 % 2.7267 XRP
28 RipplePunks
Total 4,246 days holding (average 152 days per RipplePunk)
28 + 4,246 = 4,274 points
21 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,050 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(21 + 1,050) * 0.5 = 536 points
4,274 + 536 = 4,810 points
rDCd1C8sR4xG... 22 for 4,155 days -
4,449 0.2138 % 2.5223 XRP
22 RipplePunks
Total 4,155 days holding (average 189 days per RipplePunk)
22 + 4,155 = 4,177 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 270 days holding (average 135 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 270) * 1 = 272 points
4,177 + 272 = 4,449 points
rLRroi9yZbba... 18 for 3,663 days -
18 rewinds for 900 days
4,140 0.1989 % 2.3471 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 3,663 days holding (average 204 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 3,663 = 3,681 points
18 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 900 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(18 + 900) * 0.5 = 459 points
3,681 + 459 = 4,140 points
rfouVdYmxsyg... 27 for 3,288 days -
32 rewinds for 1,563 days
4,113 0.1976 % 2.3316 XRP
27 RipplePunks
Total 3,288 days holding (average 122 days per RipplePunk)
27 + 3,288 = 3,315 points
32 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,563 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(32 + 1,563) * 0.5 = 798 points
3,315 + 798 = 4,113 points
rfNVFVXYKqxE... 20 for 4,020 days -
4,040 0.1941 % 2.2905 XRP
20 RipplePunks
Total 4,020 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
20 + 4,020 = 4,040 points
4,040 points
rDxrJmAStgQh... 19 for 3,838 days -
3,995 0.1919 % 2.2649 XRP
19 RipplePunks
Total 3,838 days holding (average 202 days per RipplePunk)
19 + 3,838 = 3,857 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 137 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 137) * 1 = 138 points
3,857 + 138 = 3,995 points
rnpUjGuyvAer... 26 for 3,025 days -
35 rewinds for 1,676 days
3,907 0.1877 % 2.2148 XRP
26 RipplePunks
Total 3,025 days holding (average 116 days per RipplePunk)
26 + 3,025 = 3,051 points
35 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,676 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(35 + 1,676) * 0.5 = 856 points
3,051 + 856 = 3,907 points
raaZ4R2ip8eP... 18 for 3,649 days -
3,667 0.1762 % 2.0790 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 3,649 days holding (average 203 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 3,649 = 3,667 points
3,667 points
rGpBtiCFywHD... 15 for 2,963 days -
15 rewinds for 735 days
3,625 0.1742 % 2.0552 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,963 days holding (average 198 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,963 = 2,978 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 270 days holding (average 135 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 270) * 1 = 272 points
15 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 735 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(15 + 735) * 0.5 = 375 points
2,978 + 272 + 375 = 3,625 points
rL4j5oGbZwDp... 16 for 3,033 days -
16 rewinds for 800 days
3,457 0.1661 % 1.9599 XRP
16 RipplePunks
Total 3,033 days holding (average 190 days per RipplePunk)
16 + 3,033 = 3,049 points
16 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 800 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(16 + 800) * 0.5 = 408 points
3,049 + 408 = 3,457 points
rGp5gqLRLUdJ... 20 for 3,294 days -
3,452 0.1659 % 1.9571 XRP
20 RipplePunks
Total 3,294 days holding (average 165 days per RipplePunk)
20 + 3,294 = 3,314 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 137 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 137) * 1 = 138 points
3,314 + 138 = 3,452 points
rsuPdizq8idq... 15 for 2,735 days -
14 rewinds for 686 days
3,448 0.1657 % 1.9548 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,735 days holding (average 182 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,735 = 2,750 points
4 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 344 days holding (average 86 days per RipplePunk Card)
(4 + 344) * 1 = 348 points
14 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 686 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(14 + 686) * 0.5 = 350 points
2,750 + 348 + 350 = 3,448 points
rBgFcqT6Ld2s... 19 for 2,071 days -
14 rewinds for 580 days
6 matches for 188 days
3,436 0.1651 % 1.9480 XRP
19 RipplePunks
Total 2,071 days holding (average 109 days per RipplePunk)
19 + 2,071 = 2,090 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 78 days holding (average 78 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 78) * 1 = 79 points
14 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 580 days holding (average 41 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(14 + 580) * 0.5 = 297 points
6 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 188 days holding (average 31 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(6 + 188) * 5 = 970 points
2,090 + 79 + 297 + 970 = 3,436 points
rJjX5kHM1VS7... 17 for 3,417 days -
3,434 0.1650 % 1.9469 XRP
17 RipplePunks
Total 3,417 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
17 + 3,417 = 3,434 points
3,434 points
rJCGL6hW2hci... 22 for 2,219 days -
20 rewinds for 740 days
6 matches for 98 days
3,409 0.1638 % 1.9327 XRP
22 RipplePunks
Total 2,219 days holding (average 101 days per RipplePunk)
22 + 2,219 = 2,241 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 266 days holding (average 133 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 266) * 1 = 268 points
20 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 740 days holding (average 37 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(20 + 740) * 0.5 = 380 points
6 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 98 days holding (average 16 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(6 + 98) * 5 = 520 points
2,241 + 268 + 380 + 520 = 3,409 points
79 rwqtuTfp9Phm... 15 for 2,792 days -
17 rewinds for 818 days
3,364 0.1616 % 1.9069 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 2,792 days holding (average 186 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 2,792 = 2,807 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 138 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 138) * 1 = 139 points
17 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 818 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(17 + 818) * 0.5 = 418 points
2,807 + 139 + 418 = 3,364 points
rM5WEh24ESkL... 15 for 3,030 days -
3,299 0.1585 % 1.8703 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 3,030 days holding (average 202 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 3,030 = 3,045 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 252 days holding (average 126 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 252) * 1 = 254 points
3,045 + 254 = 3,299 points
rDH2iYbvvMDg... 18 for 2,915 days -
14 rewinds for 686 days
3,283 0.1577 % 1.8613 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 2,915 days holding (average 162 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 2,915 = 2,933 points
14 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 686 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(14 + 686) * 0.5 = 350 points
2,933 + 350 = 3,283 points
rUMU65sai5cv... 14 for 2,893 days -
14 rewinds for 686 days
3,257 0.1565 % 1.8465 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 2,893 days holding (average 207 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 2,893 = 2,907 points
14 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 686 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(14 + 686) * 0.5 = 350 points
2,907 + 350 = 3,257 points
rDU3tTCKYWzw... 16 for 2,598 days -
15 rewinds for 710 days
3,253 0.1563 % 1.8440 XRP
16 RipplePunks
Total 2,598 days holding (average 162 days per RipplePunk)
16 + 2,598 = 2,614 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 274 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 274) * 1 = 276 points
15 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 710 days holding (average 47 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(15 + 710) * 0.5 = 363 points
2,614 + 276 + 363 = 3,253 points
rsc1Lfe66UcW... 25 for 2,611 days -
24 rewinds for 1,176 days
3,236 0.1555 % 1.8346 XRP
25 RipplePunks
Total 2,611 days holding (average 104 days per RipplePunk)
25 + 2,611 = 2,636 points
24 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,176 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(24 + 1,176) * 0.5 = 600 points
2,636 + 600 = 3,236 points
rBDEjGczMgj2... 11 for 2,190 days -
11 rewinds for 540 days
1 matches for 50 days
3,010 0.1446 % 1.7062 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 2,190 days holding (average 199 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 2,190 = 2,201 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 276 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 276) * 1 = 278 points
11 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 540 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(11 + 540) * 0.5 = 276 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 50 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 50) * 5 = 255 points
2,201 + 278 + 276 + 255 = 3,010 points
rajQGCYdTV5w... 12 for 2,349 days -
12 rewinds for 588 days
2,913 0.1400 % 1.6515 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 2,349 days holding (average 196 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 2,349 = 2,361 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 250 days holding (average 125 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 250) * 1 = 252 points
12 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 588 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(12 + 588) * 0.5 = 300 points
2,361 + 252 + 300 = 2,913 points
rMcg5KTZEvus... 18 for 2,854 days -
2,872 0.1380 % 1.6283 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 2,854 days holding (average 159 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 2,854 = 2,872 points
2,872 points
rNVeHPKHjd1W... 27 for 1,019 days -
54 rewinds for 2,560 days
2,868 0.1378 % 1.6260 XRP
27 RipplePunks
Total 1,019 days holding (average 38 days per RipplePunk)
27 + 1,019 = 1,046 points
5 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 510 days holding (average 102 days per RipplePunk Card)
(5 + 510) * 1 = 515 points
54 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,560 days holding (average 47 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(54 + 2,560) * 0.5 = 1,307 points
1,046 + 515 + 1,307 = 2,868 points
rDrP1PLVdLSN... 14 for 2,814 days -
2,828 0.1359 % 1.6033 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 2,814 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 2,814 = 2,828 points
2,828 points
rEtqTY8BNBYN... 13 for 2,559 days -
2,826 0.1358 % 1.6022 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 2,559 days holding (average 197 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 2,559 = 2,572 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 252 days holding (average 126 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 252) * 1 = 254 points
2,572 + 254 = 2,826 points
rE4j2JSTLFgb... 14 for 2,574 days -
7 rewinds for 350 days
2,767 0.1329 % 1.5684 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 2,574 days holding (average 184 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 2,574 = 2,588 points
7 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 350 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(7 + 350) * 0.5 = 179 points
2,588 + 179 = 2,767 points
rnKXFQD631RZ... 29 for 2,609 days -
2,732 0.1313 % 1.5489 XRP
29 RipplePunks
Total 2,609 days holding (average 90 days per RipplePunk)
29 + 2,609 = 2,638 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 93 days holding (average 93 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 93) * 1 = 94 points
2,638 + 94 = 2,732 points
rhsxg4xH8FtY... 13 for 2,474 days -
2,731 0.1312 % 1.5483 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 2,474 days holding (average 190 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 2,474 = 2,487 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 242 days holding (average 121 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 242) * 1 = 244 points
2,487 + 244 = 2,731 points
rEiU9rc7rMSZ... 14 for 2,342 days -
13 rewinds for 637 days
2,681 0.1288 % 1.5200 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 2,342 days holding (average 167 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 2,342 = 2,356 points
13 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 637 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(13 + 637) * 0.5 = 325 points
2,356 + 325 = 2,681 points
rn8wjLDVQzLv... 11 for 2,041 days -
14 rewinds for 685 days
2,680 0.1287 % 1.5191 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 2,041 days holding (average 186 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 2,041 = 2,052 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 276 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 276) * 1 = 278 points
14 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 685 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(14 + 685) * 0.5 = 350 points
2,052 + 278 + 350 = 2,680 points
rKf4cqbvdbo8... 12 for 2,352 days -
10 rewinds for 490 days
2,614 0.1256 % 1.4820 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 2,352 days holding (average 196 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 2,352 = 2,364 points
10 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 490 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(10 + 490) * 0.5 = 250 points
2,364 + 250 = 2,614 points
rBMMKfoM9xwS... 14 for 2,579 days -
2,593 0.1246 % 1.4701 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 2,579 days holding (average 184 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 2,579 = 2,593 points
2,593 points
rEZTjNZDqwf6... 10 for 1,983 days -
11 rewinds for 530 days
2,536 0.1218 % 1.4375 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,983 days holding (average 198 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,983 = 1,993 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 270 days holding (average 135 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 270) * 1 = 272 points
11 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 530 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(11 + 530) * 0.5 = 271 points
1,993 + 272 + 271 = 2,536 points
raD8DRSGJeDj... 11 for 2,246 days -
11 rewinds for 536 days
2,531 0.1216 % 1.4346 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 2,246 days holding (average 204 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 2,246 = 2,257 points
11 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 536 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(11 + 536) * 0.5 = 274 points
2,257 + 274 = 2,531 points
rfaMK29kcqpm... 13 for 2,381 days -
5 rewinds for 250 days
2,522 0.1211 % 1.4295 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 2,381 days holding (average 183 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 2,381 = 2,394 points
5 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 250 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(5 + 250) * 0.5 = 128 points
2,394 + 128 = 2,522 points
rKdvjCwp5rQi... 10 for 1,980 days -
10 rewinds for 490 days
2,512 0.1207 % 1.4242 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,980 days holding (average 198 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,980 = 1,990 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 270 days holding (average 135 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 270) * 1 = 272 points
10 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 490 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(10 + 490) * 0.5 = 250 points
1,990 + 272 + 250 = 2,512 points
rUVkTP3SkoRS... 20 for 1,787 days -
20 rewinds for 1,000 days
2,429 0.1167 % 1.3771 XRP
20 RipplePunks
Total 1,787 days holding (average 89 days per RipplePunk)
20 + 1,787 = 1,807 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 111 days holding (average 111 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 111) * 1 = 112 points
20 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,000 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(20 + 1,000) * 0.5 = 510 points
1,807 + 112 + 510 = 2,429 points
rPP72cX9Kw84... 10 for 2,110 days -
2,384 0.1145 % 1.3516 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 2,110 days holding (average 211 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 2,110 = 2,120 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 262 days holding (average 131 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 262) * 1 = 264 points
2,120 + 264 = 2,384 points
rJnkWNMXp5wq... 4 for 104 days -
110 rewinds for 4,405 days
2,366 0.1137 % 1.3411 XRP
4 RipplePunks
Total 104 days holding (average 26 days per RipplePunk)
4 + 104 = 108 points
110 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 4,405 days holding (average 40 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(110 + 4,405) * 0.5 = 2,258 points
108 + 2,258 = 2,366 points
rsiJmkMimkdb... 10 for 1,954 days -
10 rewinds for 500 days
2,357 0.1132 % 1.3363 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,954 days holding (average 195 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,954 = 1,964 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 137 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 137) * 1 = 138 points
10 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 500 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(10 + 500) * 0.5 = 255 points
1,964 + 138 + 255 = 2,357 points
rHwCoBDJf8x3... 10 for 2,047 days -
2 rewinds for 78 days
2,357 0.1132 % 1.3363 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 2,047 days holding (average 205 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 2,047 = 2,057 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 258 days holding (average 129 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 258) * 1 = 260 points
2 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 78 days holding (average 39 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(2 + 78) * 0.5 = 40 points
2,057 + 260 + 40 = 2,357 points
r4KHHFKwZhLj... 13 for 2,323 days -
2,336 0.1122 % 1.3244 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 2,323 days holding (average 179 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 2,323 = 2,336 points
2,336 points
raPuUCMgznGe... 12 for 2,316 days -
2,328 0.1118 % 1.3198 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 2,316 days holding (average 193 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 2,316 = 2,328 points
2,328 points
rD142sZDLu1W... 12 for 2,300 days -
2,312 0.1111 % 1.3108 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 2,300 days holding (average 192 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 2,300 = 2,312 points
2,312 points
rNAVppacujBS... 10 for 2,016 days -
2,302 0.1106 % 1.3051 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 2,016 days holding (average 202 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 2,016 = 2,026 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 274 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 274) * 1 = 276 points
2,026 + 276 = 2,302 points
rhssY88ZGmw8... 11 for 2,022 days -
20 rewinds for 510 days
2,298 0.1104 % 1.3028 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 2,022 days holding (average 184 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 2,022 = 2,033 points
20 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 510 days holding (average 26 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(20 + 510) * 0.5 = 265 points
2,033 + 265 = 2,298 points
rQNuZjajuFE2... 10 for 2,003 days -
8 rewinds for 400 days
2,217 0.1065 % 1.2569 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 2,003 days holding (average 200 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 2,003 = 2,013 points
8 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 400 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(8 + 400) * 0.5 = 204 points
2,013 + 204 = 2,217 points
r4A7qpvKW23m... 11 for 2,202 days -
2,213 0.1063 % 1.2546 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 2,202 days holding (average 200 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 2,202 = 2,213 points
2,213 points
rKwpC5pGgnzR... 10 for 1,906 days -
10 rewinds for 500 days
2,171 0.1043 % 1.2308 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,906 days holding (average 191 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,906 = 1,916 points
10 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 500 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(10 + 500) * 0.5 = 255 points
1,916 + 255 = 2,171 points
rszrqosxKU7W... 20 for 1,743 days -
16 rewinds for 728 days
2,135 0.1026 % 1.2104 XRP
20 RipplePunks
Total 1,743 days holding (average 87 days per RipplePunk)
20 + 1,743 = 1,763 points
16 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 728 days holding (average 46 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(16 + 728) * 0.5 = 372 points
1,763 + 372 = 2,135 points
rPxrBQZEYhMy... 14 for 2,117 days -
2,131 0.1024 % 1.2082 XRP
14 RipplePunks
Total 2,117 days holding (average 151 days per RipplePunk)
14 + 2,117 = 2,131 points
2,131 points
r9XzGaAC8irx... 11 for 2,118 days -
2,129 0.1023 % 1.2070 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 2,118 days holding (average 193 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 2,118 = 2,129 points
2,129 points
rQaxPsfzRN47... 10 for 1,590 days -
10 rewinds for 490 days
2,126 0.1021 % 1.2053 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,590 days holding (average 159 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,590 = 1,600 points
2 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 274 days holding (average 137 days per RipplePunk Card)
(2 + 274) * 1 = 276 points
10 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 490 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(10 + 490) * 0.5 = 250 points
1,600 + 276 + 250 = 2,126 points
rn8SVxJ477JX... 10 for 1,925 days -
1 rewinds for 23 days
1 matches for 23 days
2,067 0.0993 % 1.1719 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,925 days holding (average 193 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,925 = 1,935 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 23 days holding (average 23 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(1 + 23) * 0.5 = 12 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 23 days holding (average 23 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 23) * 5 = 120 points
1,935 + 12 + 120 = 2,067 points
rGrdd8fc6UUK... 2 for 402 days -
49 rewinds for 2,434 days
2,063 0.0991 % 1.1693 XRP
2 RipplePunks
Total 402 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
2 + 402 = 404 points
3 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 414 days holding (average 138 days per RipplePunk Card)
(3 + 414) * 1 = 417 points
49 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,434 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(49 + 2,434) * 0.5 = 1,242 points
404 + 417 + 1,242 = 2,063 points
rwi29qG632YR... 10 for 2,015 days -
2,025 0.0973 % 1.1481 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 2,015 days holding (average 202 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 2,015 = 2,025 points
2,025 points
rJUPfNcFzAeA... 10 for 2,010 days -
2,020 0.0971 % 1.1452 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 2,010 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 2,010 = 2,020 points
2,020 points
rfBMX7cni6yB... 10 for 2,010 days -
2,020 0.0971 % 1.1452 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 2,010 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 2,010 = 2,020 points
2,020 points
rwpUZ5uF2LWh... 10 for 2,000 days -
2,010 0.0966 % 1.1396 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 2,000 days holding (average 200 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 2,000 = 2,010 points
2,010 points
rfJecfg9UnpH... 10 for 1,966 days -
1,976 0.0949 % 1.1203 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,966 days holding (average 197 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,966 = 1,976 points
1,976 points
rnJm85HryCMS... 10 for 1,897 days -
1,907 0.0916 % 1.0812 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,897 days holding (average 190 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,897 = 1,907 points
1,907 points
rKLnkABg5Zn8... 10 for 1,870 days -
1,880 0.0903 % 1.0659 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,870 days holding (average 187 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,870 = 1,880 points
1,880 points
rPFyThzA2VYQ... 12 for 1,584 days -
11 rewinds for 550 days
1,877 0.0902 % 1.0639 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 1,584 days holding (average 132 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 1,584 = 1,596 points
11 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 550 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(11 + 550) * 0.5 = 281 points
1,596 + 281 = 1,877 points
r3VFfCLV6z4f... 21 for 301 days -
14 rewinds for 330 days
12 matches for 260 days
1,854 0.0891 % 1.0511 XRP
21 RipplePunks
Total 301 days holding (average 14 days per RipplePunk)
21 + 301 = 322 points
14 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 330 days holding (average 24 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(14 + 330) * 0.5 = 172 points
12 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 260 days holding (average 22 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(12 + 260) * 5 = 1,360 points
322 + 172 + 1,360 = 1,854 points
r9Sv6hJaB4SX... 10 for 1,836 days -
1,846 0.0887 % 1.0466 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,836 days holding (average 184 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,836 = 1,846 points
1,846 points
rKnNqBM7v14B... 11 for 431 days -
53 rewinds for 2,120 days
2 matches for 42 days
1,749 0.0840 % 0.9913 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 431 days holding (average 39 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 431 = 442 points
53 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 2,120 days holding (average 40 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(53 + 2,120) * 0.5 = 1,087 points
2 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 42 days holding (average 21 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(2 + 42) * 5 = 220 points
442 + 1,087 + 220 = 1,749 points
rPqNmnCPgxhb... 15 for 1,196 days -
18 rewinds for 894 days
1,667 0.0801 % 0.9451 XRP
15 RipplePunks
Total 1,196 days holding (average 80 days per RipplePunk)
15 + 1,196 = 1,211 points
18 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 894 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(18 + 894) * 0.5 = 456 points
1,211 + 456 = 1,667 points
rDrdFz7yLCbe... 17 for 1,093 days -
10 rewinds for 492 days
1 matches for 49 days
1,660 0.0798 % 0.9411 XRP
17 RipplePunks
Total 1,093 days holding (average 64 days per RipplePunk)
17 + 1,093 = 1,110 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 48 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 48) * 1 = 49 points
10 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 492 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(10 + 492) * 0.5 = 251 points
1 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 49 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(1 + 49) * 5 = 250 points
1,110 + 49 + 251 + 250 = 1,660 points
r3wj9Vvymjfm... 11 for 1,640 days -
1,651 0.0793 % 0.9360 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 1,640 days holding (average 149 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 1,640 = 1,651 points
1,651 points
rsQEXCibf7Yb... 10 for 790 days -
24 rewinds for 664 days
5 matches for 76 days
1,644 0.0790 % 0.9321 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 790 days holding (average 79 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 790 = 800 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 94 days holding (average 94 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 94) * 1 = 95 points
24 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 664 days holding (average 28 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(24 + 664) * 0.5 = 344 points
5 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 76 days holding (average 15 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(5 + 76) * 5 = 405 points
800 + 95 + 344 + 405 = 1,644 points
rNXrMBdRkkTb... 10 for 1,364 days -
10 rewinds for 500 days
1,629 0.0783 % 0.9236 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 1,364 days holding (average 136 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 1,364 = 1,374 points
10 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 500 days holding (average 50 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(10 + 500) * 0.5 = 255 points
1,374 + 255 = 1,629 points
rKTqXbv2sKjn... 44 for 683 days -
43 rewinds for 1,035 days
12 matches for 52 days
1,586 0.0762 % 0.8992 XRP
44 RipplePunks
Total 683 days holding (average 16 days per RipplePunk)
44 + 683 = 727 points
43 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,035 days holding (average 24 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(43 + 1,035) * 0.5 = 539 points
12 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 52 days holding (average 4 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(12 + 52) * 5 = 320 points
727 + 539 + 320 = 1,586 points
rNVH3CnU7BP7... 13 for 1,570 days -
1,583 0.0761 % 0.8975 XRP
13 RipplePunks
Total 1,570 days holding (average 121 days per RipplePunk)
13 + 1,570 = 1,583 points
1,583 points
rLXaVwYD2Hv4... 3 for 194 days -
25 rewinds for 1,146 days
3 matches for 117 days
1,383 0.0664 % 0.7838 XRP
3 RipplePunks
Total 194 days holding (average 65 days per RipplePunk)
3 + 194 = 197 points
25 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,146 days holding (average 46 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(25 + 1,146) * 0.5 = 586 points
3 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 117 days holding (average 39 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(3 + 117) * 5 = 600 points
197 + 586 + 600 = 1,383 points
rDMRsQ1B87e4... 3 for 130 days -
26 rewinds for 1,062 days
3 matches for 96 days
1,172 0.0563 % 0.6645 XRP
3 RipplePunks
Total 130 days holding (average 43 days per RipplePunk)
3 + 130 = 133 points
26 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 1,062 days holding (average 41 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(26 + 1,062) * 0.5 = 544 points
3 RipplePunk Rewind Matches (matches with OGs)
Total 96 days holding (average 32 days per RipplePunk Rewind Match)
(3 + 96) * 5 = 495 points
133 + 544 + 495 = 1,172 points
rJ5VPwTXUwgD... 3 for 603 days -
20 rewinds for 950 days
1,091 0.0524 % 0.6185 XRP
3 RipplePunks
Total 603 days holding (average 201 days per RipplePunk)
3 + 603 = 606 points
20 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 950 days holding (average 48 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(20 + 950) * 0.5 = 485 points
606 + 485 = 1,091 points
rEUSHy6B6Uwz... 18 for 522 days -
28 rewinds for 668 days
899 0.0432 % 0.5097 XRP
18 RipplePunks
Total 522 days holding (average 29 days per RipplePunk)
18 + 522 = 540 points
1 RipplePunk Quartet Cards
Total 10 days holding (average 10 days per RipplePunk Card)
(1 + 10) * 1 = 11 points
28 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 668 days holding (average 24 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(28 + 668) * 0.5 = 348 points
540 + 11 + 348 = 899 points
r3yrPZ8bftPa... 10 for 532 days -
4 rewinds for 196 days
642 0.0308 % 0.3640 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 532 days holding (average 53 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 532 = 542 points
4 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 196 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(4 + 196) * 0.5 = 100 points
542 + 100 = 642 points
rBTCar2wX1tf... 10 for 395 days -
10 rewinds for 400 days
610 0.0293 % 0.3458 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 395 days holding (average 40 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 395 = 405 points
10 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 400 days holding (average 40 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(10 + 400) * 0.5 = 205 points
405 + 205 = 610 points
rHrJRrNxT8Vj... 10 for 600 days -
610 0.0293 % 0.3458 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 600 days holding (average 60 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 600 = 610 points
610 points
rpEBtUn1exi8... 12 for 588 days -
600 0.0288 % 0.3402 XRP
12 RipplePunks
Total 588 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk)
12 + 588 = 600 points
600 points
rJCEgyecdgVr... 10 for 493 days -
503 0.0242 % 0.2852 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 493 days holding (average 49 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 493 = 503 points
503 points
r4inx5Rs7arJ... 10 for 400 days -
410 0.0197 % 0.2324 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 400 days holding (average 40 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 400 = 410 points
410 points
rD1kv5YdRBC5... 10 for 380 days -
390 0.0187 % 0.2211 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 380 days holding (average 38 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 380 = 390 points
390 points
rpmAvtXHSjdP... 10 for 230 days -
11 rewinds for 253 days
372 0.0179 % 0.2109 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 230 days holding (average 23 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 230 = 240 points
11 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 253 days holding (average 23 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(11 + 253) * 0.5 = 132 points
240 + 132 = 372 points
rGoLdHQ7ujED... 11 for 334 days -
345 0.0166 % 0.1956 XRP
11 RipplePunks
Total 334 days holding (average 30 days per RipplePunk)
11 + 334 = 345 points
345 points
rGrVHJu7Nqkw... 10 for 305 days -
1 rewinds for 22 days
327 0.0157 % 0.1851 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 305 days holding (average 31 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 305 = 315 points
1 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 22 days holding (average 22 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(1 + 22) * 0.5 = 12 points
315 + 12 = 327 points
rwzW6etYLhQ8... 10 for 293 days -
303 0.0146 % 0.1718 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 293 days holding (average 29 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 293 = 303 points
303 points
rfDHVZ57zngf... 17 for 185 days -
4 rewinds for 87 days
248 0.0119 % 0.1403 XRP
17 RipplePunks
Total 185 days holding (average 11 days per RipplePunk)
17 + 185 = 202 points
4 RipplePunk Rewinds
Total 87 days holding (average 22 days per RipplePunk Rewind)
(4 + 87) * 0.5 = 46 points
202 + 46 = 248 points
rNtYrq6gyNjr... 10 for 88 days -
98 0.0047 % 0.0556 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 88 days holding (average 9 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 88 = 98 points
98 points
rHuoY1XvBQtc... 19 for 38 days -
57 0.0027 % 0.0323 XRP
19 RipplePunks
Total 38 days holding (average 2 days per RipplePunk)
19 + 38 = 57 points
57 points
r44MoneyvZgU... 10 for 20 days -
30 0.0014 % 0.0170 XRP
10 RipplePunks
Total 20 days holding (average 2 days per RipplePunk)
10 + 20 = 30 points
30 points
1,180.0199 XRP

To receive any royalties you need at least:
- 10 OG RipplePunks OR
- 20 RipplePunks Rewind OR
- 1 Quartet (four of a kind)

Basic royalties points:
- Holding OG RipplePunk is 1 point a day
- Holding RipplePunk Rewind is 0.5 point a day
- Holding RipplePunk Quartet is 1 point a day

Extra royalties points:
- Holding a Quartet (4 of the same) is 20 points a day
- Holding a Rewind Match (same as an OG) is 5 points a day